Gap In Strength

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Endeavor's POV

As I stood there, the suited man lowered himself to the ground. "I don't wish to waste my time as well as yours. I simply want the kid."

"Don't care." I said, igniting flames on my arms. "I need to protect everyone." I rushed towards him, flames building up on my right arm. The man simply flung his arm, an explosion of air blowing me and my flames away. I landed on my back, then jumped up. "Heh. You're good." I said, creating a fireball in both hands. Throwing them, they combined, barreling towards the man. He did the same as before, my flames separating. In the gap, I rushed him, firing a pillar of flames from my fist. The flames scorched the man's arm, singing his suit. I leapt, flames surrounding my fists as I threw a punch, landing on the man's stomach, then exploded in flames. His suit was burnt where my flames collided as I was sent back by another air blast.
"It seems you aren't going to give up." he said, his arm cracking and growing. "You really are a hero, Endeavor!" A large air blast shot towards me and hit, a deep gash appearing on my left arm. I looked up at him, clutching the wound and burning it shut. He extended his arms, then electricity hit me, burning my suit. I went down to my knee as another air blast sent me tumbling back. I gripped into the ground, flames appearing around my entire right arm. I waved it, the flames shooting in the shape of blades towards the man. All of them were destroyed by a shield of wind. With minimal effort, he used some sort of attack to detonate an air explosion, stabbing me and slicing me all over, a piece of the wind gashing my left eye and the surrounding area. I landed on my back, feeling all the wounds start to hurt. I can't see anything out of my left eye...I groaned, going to my knee. As I looked up, another air blast sent me flying back, smashing through the concrete wall around the plaza, then into a car, blood coming from my mouth. I groaned, trying to stand. As I wobbled, the man grabbed my throat with one arm, choking me.

"Let...go..." I groaned, punching him in the face with a flaming fist. His mask cracked as he threw me into the road, floating towards the evac zone. I clenched my fist, creating a spear of flames, then lobbed it at him. Whether it was due to his attention not being on me or not, it connected, shattering his mask. He looked at me, his face scarred and missing eyes. "I ain't done with you yet..." I said, standing, smiling. I licked my lip, which was bloody, and cracked my neck. Who needs depth perception anyway?! I ran towards him, kicking off with the assistance of flames, then slammed my fist into his face. Before he could counter, I threw another punch into his gut, flames sending him back. I jumped back, the man swinging his arm. The wind gust made my hair flow back, my bloodied face getting cleaned of blood.

"I can't waste time with you." he said, waving his hand at me. Several metal poles flew at me, piercing me. One in my gut, and one in my right shoulder. I groaned, pulling the one in my shoulder out. As I did, the man sighed. "I've lost him and now who do I get to blame?" He looked at me, another pole piercing my thigh, sending me to the ground. I tugged the one in my gut out, the pole obstructing my movement. The one in my thigh slipped out, the wound tearing itself bigger. "Although, I do have someone who requested to kill you themself. I'll let you live until they are properly ready." I groaned, trying to stand. My thigh wound spurted blood, sending me falling to the ground. "Good struggle, Endeavor." He said, sending a shockwave which sent me toppling over and into unconsciousness.

Bakugou's POV

As the TV stopped broadcasting Endeavor and AFO's fight, I looked at Todoroki. His fist was clenched and engulfed in flames. "That bastard gets tossed around by someone not even trying." He punched the counter, a blade of ice piercing the wood. "I'll make him wish that the Big Bad had ended him." I looked at him, worried that the anger he felt for Endeavor might scorch the path he walks. I exhaled, Todoroki standing and walking to the main room. Guess sometimes, a guy can't help but be swept up by his emotions. I should know that better than anyone. I let Deku rule my mind for years. I clenched my fist, small scars on my hand from the fight with Chisaki. As I did, the door creaked open. Standing there was Twice, holding a cigarette.

"Yo, Firecracker." he said, putting it out on the counter. "What's the hubbub about?" He looked up at the TV, seeing a screenshot from the fight, Endeavor clutching the pole that was in his gut.

"Pro Hero and the current default Number One Hero, Endeavor, was gravely injured in a fight that broke out during the public memorial for All Might." Twice rolled the lower half of his mask down, watching with me. "Pro Hero Death Arms and Retired Hero Grand Torino were severely injured and rushed to the same hospital as Endeavor. Several civilians were injured, including UA student Izuku Midoriya, who was speaking there." I felt my blood boil as it showed Dekus school photo and clenched my fist. "We will keep you up to date on the All Might Memorial Nightmare."

"So the fact we killed All Might is getting overshadowed by the boss?" Twice asked a few minutes afterwards, putting his hand on his chin. "Goddamn him! We worked so hard!" he screamed, gripping his head. "If he's the boss, he knows what's best for us." I sighed, tired of Twices split personality. Walking through the door Shoto had disappeared through, the door to the outside was open, so I headed to it, passing Toga. Looking outside, Dabi was standing with Shoto, who had his entire left side engulfed in flames.

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