Raging Inferno: Part I

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As I laid in my bed, I looked at my phone screen. ‘August 14th. 8:58 pm’. I sat up and slid the face mask the League had gotten for me on. It was metal and was folded in the middle, offering a sharp edge. It also had a pair of tinted goggles that went into the fold at the top of the mask. I opened my window as Twice stood outside my window, smoking a cigarette and holding a blue marble. He tossed it up and I scrambled to catch it. “Place it in the middle of your room, use the rope, pull the rope down, then Compress will release it.” I nodded and leapt from the window and used small explosions to stop my fall.

“Same result. Less work.” I said, looking at him. Sighing, he tossed his cigarette onto the grass and stepped on it.

“Compress, get ready.” Twice said, pulling his mask on, talking into a phone. We walked to the edge of the Dorms lawn. There, Kurogiri, Toga, Compress,Dabi, Shigaraki,and Spinner were standing by the entrance, all in their villain outfits.

“Kurogiri..” Shigaraki said, lifting his arm to be straight and spreading his hand. “Warp the Nomu here….” Kurogiri nodded and opened 2 warp gates and the things that attack the USJ and Hosu walked through. I couldn’t help but feel on edge. “Now, Dabi, Spinner, Compress and Firecracker, get ready to move out. We have 2 Nomu coming with is. Now, Compress, release the clone.”

“Yes, Mr Dabi.” Compress said, snapping. He was holding 5 marbles, then slipped them into his pocket.

“Let the UA Assault Begin!” Dabi said, his arm engulfed in flames. We broke into our groups, 2 Nomu coming with us. Dabi took the left side of the door and Compress took the right. Once Dabi nodded, Compress threw a marble at the door, then snapped. A large chunk of cement sent the door flying in along with it. Dabi shot flames around the common area. Mina screamed and flipped over the couch, clutching her arm. I walked to her and punched her in the face, knocking her out. I’m sorry, Mina. You were one of the only people I don’t mind. Quickly, someone ran down the hall and punched me across the face.

“Damn villains! Attacking our school!” Kirishima yelled. I felt my mask was broken. We had outfitted the mask with a voice changer, which now made my breathing distorted. Kirishima hardened his arm and swung at Compress. He landed a hit on his mask, but he disappeared into a flash of blue light. Compress held a marble, then tossed it to me.

“When we finish, I’ll compress as many as I can, then you’ll blow them up.” he said, rubbing his jaw.

“Got it.” I said, my voice changer making my voice sound robotic. Dabi walked to the elevator and clicked the button. As the elevator came, I remembered the plan. Once the elevator arrived, Dabi instructed the Nomu to attack the second floor with me. The Nomu simply jumped up and destroyed the ceiling. I flew up, using as few explosions as possible. Running down the hall, I looked for Midoriyas room. It was second from the end, next to Minetas. I pointed at the door and a Nomu punched through. Instead of pulling back a bloody body, the Nomu went flying through a nearby wall in a flash of green lightning. The other one roared, then shot lasers out of its eyes. A flash of light kicked it on its jaw, sending it stumbling back and the lasers cutting into the ceiling. I braced myself and felt a foot hit my forearms.

“You were stupid to attack UA, villain!” screamed Izuku. I slid back barely, grabbed his shin, then threw him down the hall. As he shot toward me, the first Nomu blocked the impact and used its first quirk, spikes, to stab Midoriya in the leg. Stumbling back, Deku looked at me. “You’re here for Kacchan again, aren’t you!?” Without warning, he shot toward me and swung his leg, sending me flying all the way to the end of the hallway. The Nomu made spikes all over its body, but Deku rammed it with the other Nomu. He’s gotten bolder since The Forest. I’ll have trouble predicting his moves. He shot toward me again and I dodged, causing him to run into the elevator and destroy the doors. Scrambling to the ground after jumping through the door, I saw he was bleeding from the forehead.

“Poor Midoriya.” I said, the voice changer giving my voice a bassy tone. He looked at me, his left eye red. As he prepped to jump at me, the Spike Nomu grabbed him and threw him down the elevator shaft, causing a large explosion. Before I could comprehend it, a streak of green lightning shot up and the Nomu went flying backward. I stepped back, grabbing the distress beacon. Do I need Dabi? Before I could answer my own question, Deku was flying toward me and had a grip on my bulletproof black vest and was pulling us down the hall. He threw me into an empty room and I coughed.

“Who are you? Are you with Shigaraki!?” he screamed, walking to me and grabbing my jacket collar and punching me across the mask. As he did, his hand started bleeding violently. The edge. Guess it was helpful.  As he grabbed his wrist in pain, I gripped his hair and slammed him into the ground.

“I guess you should know before you die, Dek…” I started, but a blue laser hit my chest and I went flying, shattering the window and slumping under it. A-Aoyama?Midoriya stood up, his nose and lip bleeding, but his face shocked.

“Kacchan?” he asked. I coughed and stood up, then grabbed a piece of glass and lunged. He quickly swung a kick at my face, slamming my face into the wall and getting the mask stuck. I sighed and undid the clips behind my head and pulled away. I felt my nose bleeding and my cheek was sore.

“Deku. Always to smart for his own good!” I screamed, then flew towards him faster then he could process. Slamming him into the ground, we slammed into the ground of the first floor. I looked around and saw the furniture was on fire. Grabbing his face and detonating a nonlethal explosion, he slumped unconsciously onto the ground. I ran over to where Mina was and picked her up. After walking to the door, I laid her in the grass 15 feet away from the building. Then, I ran back in and grabbed Midoriya by the shirt. After throwing him against the wall, I punched him twice and left him bleeding from his face badly. I used my explosions to reach the second floor and retrieved my mask. As I put it on, the com was busy with chatter.

“Firework! Did you deal with Midoriya!?” Dabi screamed, fire roaring on his comms. I used my explosions to fly to the 5th floor windows and blew one out. Activating my comms, all I heard was static. The heat must be messing with them. I blew the door open and saw what had happened

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