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"So, whoever sent those drones in is hiding, huh?" the man shouted, his voice approaching. "Come on! You can't beat me without seeing me!" I gritted my teeth, flying upwards. I looked at the guy and he did the same. I started peppering small explosions in my hand, creating a larger explosion. "Peek-a-Boo!" the guy shouted, an explosion on my shoulder detonating, sending me crashing to the ground, my shoulder injured. "You were closer than I thought you were, whoops." I looked up at him, holding my shoulder. Then, another explosion went off in front of me, sending me flying backwards. I landed on my back, my shoulder hurting. "The closer the target, the weaker the explosion. That's my Quirk." I looked at him, blood pouring from my forehead. "So, you're in the perfect spot!" On instinct, I braced my weak arm with my other hand, detonating a large explosion, sending me crashing through another warehouse door.

"Ground Zero!" Compress shouted, launching off the roof with an explosion. He was in the air for 3 seconds, then his mask exploded, his body becoming mud. Then, a large explosion went off, the guy flying past my door. Landing on his back, he flipped to his back, glaring at the rooftop Compress and Twice were on. Then, a hand covered my mouth. I turned around, Compress standing there. Then, we were standing against the wall, the guy out of our sight. "He has a time limit. The longer he waits, the more power the explosion holds." he explained, holding three marbles, grenades visible. "Meaning, we have to beat him without him seeing us." I nodded.

"Where's the weirdo?" I asked. As I did, a Tarzan scream sounded, then an explosion. The moment the explosion detonated, Compress tossed all three marbles. The explosions went off, the guy screaming.

"Come out and fight me, you damn cowards!" he screamed. I looked at a piece of broken glass seeing his reflection. He was at least 100 feet down the walkway, standing. His eyes darted to the mirror, then it exploded. A glass shard flew at me, stabbing me in my hand as I covered my face.I winced, tugging the glass out. Then, I heard footsteps, slowly going away. I looked out the door, seeing the warehouse he had emerged from.

"Don't." Compress said, pulling out more marbles. "He's baiting us to go after the door. It's too risky."

"I have an idea, but we need Twice and his quirk." I said, exhaling. Peeking out, Twices sleeve was laying there, shredded and bloodied, meaning it's the real one. "We need to find him and make sure he's okay. I doubt he is, so I have a backup plan."

"What is the backup?" Compress asked, tossing the marbles up and juggling them with his fingers.

"Stealth." I said. "One of us takes the left, the other, the right. Then, we rush down the alleys, and attack with a pincer maneuver. Whoever attacks from the right has to pass behind him, which will be tough."

"I'll take the right." Compress said, pulling a marble out. "We start pushing forward after 10 seconds of me leaving, got it?"

"Gotcha." I said, opening the backdoor to the warehouse. Compress stood at the other door, barely hidden. "3...2....1...go!" I hissed, Compress dashing out, snapping. A mirror appeared, Compress holding it. Then, an explosion detonated, the mirror shattering as Compress dove behind the warehouse on the other side. I continued counting the seconds, waiting. At ten, I silently started sprinting towards him, a warehouse always between us. After the second, I caught a glimpse of Compress, dashing at the same pace. After one more, me and Compress turned, preparing an attack at the guy. He turned to look at me as I pulled my hand back, building up a large explosion. He raised his arms, looking at my arm. A small explosion detonated, sending me backwards, my explosion still hitting him.

He flew back, his arms still up. Compress swung his cane at the guys head, gashing it open as he flew back. Compress landed, sliding as I jumped backwards, taking cover. Compress jumped backwards with me, an explosion detonating on his shoulder, sending him tumbling back. "Come on! Gonna fight like a coward!?" he screamed, his footsteps audible. As he did, a large explosion went off, along with a scream of my voice. He came flying towards us, coming through the gap in the warehouses. On an instinct, I raced towards him, grabbed him by his leg, using explosions on his leg, breaking it, and spinning around with my other hand, then threw him. He went flying, a clone of Compress extending his arm, compressing the guy. He then threw the marble up, Twice flying by, grabbing it.

"Some one order a hero?" Twice asked, striking a pose similar to All Might's. His arm was bloodied and scraped, but it wasn't severe. "Because I am Here!" I scoffed, extending my hand into the air.

"Give him here, Crazy." I said, wiggling my fingers. Twice nodded, dropping the marble in my hand. I grabbed it, smiling. "Let's go back to the warehouse." Both of the others nodded, Twice jumping down to our level.

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