Last Ditch Effort

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Looking towards where the smoke was the thickest, blood poured into my eye, a deep gash across my face. I can’t move, and I can’t feel my arms. My left eye didn’t open, blood dripping from my chin. Looking down, there was a large gash across my chest, a piece of shrapnel buried in my right shoulder. There were staggered steps, a large figure approaching. Nomu. As the figure reached out to help me up, I realized it had Chisakis mask, almost blended into its flesh. I withdrew my hand, trying to blow the figure away.

“Thanks, Ground Zero.” Chisakis voice said, the mask opening like a real beak. “Your creature was the only way I survived that. I disassembled myself and it, and combined our parts. Although, I think it lost its powers.” He extended his hand, some black aura around it. Before it touched me, his entire arm decayed, Shigaraki grabbing its wrist.

“Trigger happy, huh?” he said, smiling lightly. His mask wasn’t on, his face fully visible. As he did, the decay creeped up Overhauls arm. He pulled it away, drawing a punch back. Before he could throw it, some sort of cord wrapped around his arm, several Musculars pulling it back. At closer look, it was Twices high strength measuring tape. Chisaki tugged his arm away, the Musculars disappearing. As he turned to smack Shigaraki, a blue flame hit the tape, creeping up like a fuse.

“What is this tape?” Chisaki screamed, trying to pull it off, to no avail. The flames reached his bicep, which was already injured. He gripped the cord and pulled it away, groaning as the metal tape snapped. His remaining arm hung there, burned black. I simply laid there, this scene unraveling mere feet away. “You all are weak!” Chisaki spun to me, trying to grip my face with his burned arm. Before he could, a warpgate opened up in front of my face, another opening behind his head. He withdrew, spinning around, only for Dabis flames to burn his legs, causing him to fall to his knees.

“Don’t think we’ll kill you.” Shigaraki said, Chisaki a bloody mess. “We’ll need our Nomu back.” Chisaki spun towards Tomura, his hand surrounded by a black aura. Before he reached our leader, a clone of me set an explosion off against his head, causing him to fall backwards, crushing the clone.

“It’s useless.” Twice said, pointing like a manga character. “You’re already overdone.” I clicked my tongue, Dabi and Shigaraki helping me up, my limbs still useless. Glancing at Dabi, my arm was soaked in blood from the elbow down. I groaned, them sitting me against a wall.

“His arm…” Dabi said, glancing at my left arm. I could feel a distant pain from my elbow down and along my shoulder. He looked me in the eyes, smiling. “I-It’s fine. When we get back to base, we’ll treat this easy. You’ll see.” As I went to look at Chisaki, my vision shot to black, my body growing impossibly heavy.


Todoroki’s POV, Home

As I sat in my computer chair, scrolling through villain attack reports, I heard my sister scream at my brother. I sighed, finding an interesting article. ‘League of Villains in Kahoots with Yakuza?’ Clicking on it, I continued to read.

A known Yakuza member was seen entering a building not even an hour before a large explosion caused a tremor, scaring the city. Investigations point to the League of Villains involvement, the same group that has attacked UA four times this school year. The corpse of over 20 Yakuza members were found, 3 survivors, but all in severe condition at a Villain Based Hospital. Along with the Yakuza members, the corpse of the League member, Muscular, was also found, his body severely damaged by burns and explosions, his body missing large chunks.

After the most recent attack, the UA Sports Festival of the First Years, Katsuki Bakugou, was kidnapped. With the public's opinion in heroes and UA already shook, this could be the final blow to bring down the pillars All Might has spent so long setting up.

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