Checkmate: Part I

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Todorokis POV
As the smoke settled, Bakugou stood there, in his villain outfit. His face was almost completely visible, so the class all gasped, Deku almost in shock. Not missing a beat, Deku shot towards Bakugou, jumping several times. When he was within range, he raised his leg, bringing it down. "Manchester..." Before he could finish, another explosion shook the building, a large smoke cloud sending Deku slamming against the wall.

Bakugou's POV

As Deku coughed up blood, I grabbed his face and punched him in the ribs, then blasted him away with twin explosions. Before I could pursue, All Might came flying in, blocking my path off. "Bakugou...what did they do to you?" I placed my hand on my palm, shooting an AP Shot that hit All Might, sending him flying back. I grinned, popping small explosions off.

"You see, All for One gave us the run down on your dying flame, All Might." I said, approaching him. "And isn't it funny that Deku got sent flying by the same explosion that you could withstand?" Before All Might could get off his knee, I threw a knife with the assistance of an explosion that gashed All Mights cheek. He shot towards me, his arms in an X Shape. As he approached, I took to the air, landing behind him. "DIE!" The largest explosion I could muster sent All Might crashing through the dome. The recoil made my arm tingle, just as Dekus foot met my stomach, causing me to spit up blood and fly backwards. I placed my hand on the ground, skidding to a halt. Creating another AP Shot, it flew towards Deku, who narrowly avoided it.

He came towards me, sliding his foot across the ground, sweeping my feet from under me. Before I landed, I went into the air, my palms almost together, opening them towards Deku. Detonating it, the explosion sent everything flying, smoke hiding Deku. Before I could stand up, Deku's foot clashed with my cheek, slicing my cheek open, blood covering my cheek. He clenched his fist, drawing back. As he swung, I grabbed his fist, peppering it with explosions. He shrieked in pain, his glove shredding up to his elbow. Placing my hand on his neck, I threw him as hard as I could. He landed on his back, sliding. I flew into the air,my hand approaching his face.

Before I could hit him with an explosion, Deku's foot met my ribs, sending me falling to the ground. Standing up and glancing up to the area the students were, the Leagues members had all the students subdued, Todoroki with them. In the blink of an eye, All Might was up there, all of the villains beaten, and Todoroki was leaping back towards me. "Seriously?" I growled, rubbing my wrist. "Can't quite beat these guys solo. Wanna tag team or two on two this?"

"Two on Two." He said, flames bursting out of his arm. "All Might seems to be a bit slower, but not enough to exploit."

"Yeah, yeah." I said, my ribs hurting. As I did, Deku shot towards me, his leg extended at me. As he did, an ice wall appeared, his foot sending a massive cloud of frost. I took to the air and shot back down, placing both hands under me. Detonating an explosion, Deku narrowly avoided it, his leg getting cut up by it. I used several explosions in my hands, rolling towards him. Closing in on him, my foot hit him in the face, sending him flying back. I dropped out of the cyclone and used 'Blast Rush' to close in, slamming his head into the ground. As I drew back to punch him, his foot hit me in the shoulder, sending me off of him. I skidded to a stop and glanced up at Frostburn, who was avoiding each of All Mights strikes, but not fighting back. Exhausting him, huh? Not a bad plan. I backflipped away from Deku and used 'AP Shot' to cover a large area, Deku barely avoiding it. He slid back, then shot forward, drawing a punch back.

"20% Smash!" he screamed, throwing a punch. I moved my head, barely avoiding the strike. His fist nearly steamed as it stopped, a large gust of wind coming from the other end as I blew him away. "Kacchan." he said, standing up. "I have to do this, so forgive me." His eyes almost glowed with energy as he stomped, the ground cracking. "Full Cowling: Shoot Style. 20 Percent!"

"Like numbers matter!" I screamed, exploding towards him. "Gimme 100% and I'll still kill you!" He shot off, energy dancing around him. That wasn't there before! Is this another aspect of his quirk? I used explosions to go over him, gripping his hair. I swung him back down, slamming him into the ground, then detonated two explosions right above his face. His foot met my ribs, sending me flying back. The pain shot through my whole body, his new limit hurting my body in one hit. I landed on my back, wheezing. As I did, Todoroki flew over me, throwing ice blades. I stood up, a wall of ice exploding from his blades. "Thanks." I said, the ice starting to crack. "Switch out?"

"You can't handle Midoriya?" he asked, both sides going full blast. "Guess I'll take my shot." A large pillar of ice smashed through the ice, colliding with Dekus arm as he went for another punch. I took to the air, flying towards All Might. He looked up at me and slammed his fist into the ground, a tornado appearing. I used explosions to fly back, landing on the ground as he shot towards me.

"Series Blows!" he screamed, throwing one punch. It hit the ground next to me, as I used an explosion to head to the side.He looked at me, throwing the other hand. I caught his wrist, digging into the ground, the concrete crushing as I held his fist above my face. As I struggled, his other hand collided with my ribs, sending me flying back, smashing into Frostburns ice remains. I coughed, gripping a chunk of ice. I looked at All Might, who stood there, his fist still extended. At closer look, his stab wound was bleeding heavily. I threw the ice chunk, which he swung a karate chop at, shattering it.

"All Might." I said, grabbing another chunk of ice. "Looks like you really are human." I spun around, then threw the chunk like a shot put. All Might shot towards me, his arms in a similar X Formation. I took to the air as he shattered the ice and sliced the air I had been in. I landed behind him, then showered him in 'AP Shot: Auto Cannon'.

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