Aftermath:Part II

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As I stepped off of the bus, I adjusted my wrist device on my left hand. Looking around, the only one with any new changes was Deku.I looked at Iida, who had his hero outfit on, even with his burns. 

“Now, split into groups of 3.” Aizawa said. “Doesn’t matter who, just choose.” Everyone divided up, me walking to Iida and Midoriya. Midoriya looked at us, then at Aizawa. “Now, we’ll be assessing how well each of you can handle being thrown into a rescue scenario with other heroes. Everyone, go to a different environment and rescue the 5 training dummies. Time is of the essence, so chop chop.”

We all sprinted to different areas, our group getting stuck with the Mountain Zone. Iida immediately spotted one and leapt, activated his engines, and smashed a rock that was falling with the impact of his kick, calling out “Recipro Extend!” He landed, threw the dummy over his shoulder and called “Victim #1, rescued!” as he ran away. I looked at Midoriya, spotting another dummy. I made a track of ice to the victim, sliding on my cleats. Midoriya ran another direction, probably spotting another.

As I slid past, I swept the dummy up, the size of a child, holding it close to my chest. Placing it outside the area of danger, Iida ran by. “Need a lift?” he asked, extending his hand. I grabbed it, continuing my ice path. As we zoomed by, Deku shot towards us, his dummy already gone. He ran alongside us.

“Last two are both more up the mountain.” he said, taking a turn. Iida leaned, sparks flying from his feet as he turned. As we did, a large rock came tumbling towards us.Deku ran to the side, then leapt at it, swinging his leg. The rock shattered with the impact as Deku continued to go towards the mountain top. We continued running, one more dummy appearing. 

“Got this one.” I said, leaping off Iidas back. I landed, running across the unstable rocks. Leaping to a clearing, the dummy was within grasp, I grabbed its arm and threw it across my back. As I landed, I froze the ground to avoid any slippage. Creating a glacier to reach the ground, I started running down it. Looking back to Iida, Deku landing an axe kick on a piece of stone that obstructed their route. I leapt off near the ground, using my left side just enough to warm myself up.

A minute after I reached the bottom, Deku landed, the victim in his arms. A bell rang, signalling we had finished. Iida came running up, then slid to a stop next to us. We walked towards the main area, our training for the day completed.


I stood outside the school, waiting for Iida and Midoriya. I saw them emerge together and started walking with them. “So, what are we gonna do about the Bakugou situation?” I asked, asking the burning question. “I’m sure you guys can tell the class thinks the Bakugou there was the real one.” They nodded, the theory almost a fact within the class. We continued to walk, no one having an idea on what to do. I’m sure we’ll meet up with Bakugou, Villain or not.

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