Embers Rising

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It’s been 2 weeks since the League recruited me. I had gone to the police station and told them I had stumbled out of a building somewhere. I woke up on the street and ran home. I had gone back to UA the following day. In total, I had been missing 2 days.

    “Bakugou!” Kirishima screamed as I walked into class. He ran to me and hugged me.

    “Get off, stupid hair!” I said, using my arm as leverage, pushing him away. I saw several people around him, looking at me. Deku was in the back, his arms wrapped up. I had forgot he broke both his arms. Looking around, Shoji had one arm with the bicep wrapped up. Uraraka had had her arm cut, but she looked fine. I growled and yelled. “I’m fine! I don’t need your damn pity, you extras!” I heard rapid footstep coming from behind.

    “Bakugou, nice to see you’re in tip top shape.” Iida said, stopping beside me. “If you can yell at the class, you can sit down also!” I sighed and walked to my seat.

Soon, Aizawa walked in. “As you can see, Bakugou is back. But, you won’t be off the hook. We’ll have extra classes to develop the skills you were working on at the training camp. And with those, you can get your Provisional Hero Licenses.”

“Right, that's why we were there!” Kaminari said. Aizawa glared at him and his hair floated. Kaminari swallowed harshly as Aizawas hair fell back.

“For the next week, you’ll be developing your ultimate moves.” The class erupted into cheers. People started talking as Aizawa grew more irritated. The class shut up when I launched a large explosion in the air, and Aizawa smiled slightly. “You can also go to the Support Classes Lab and request upgrades to your suits. Now then, get dressed and meet in Training Room Beta.” He unlocked the costume vault and I grabbed my case, headed to the changing room, and locked myself in the bathroom stall.

When I walked out to the training room, I saw Ectoplasm, Eraserhead, and Cementos. Slowly, the rest of the class came in and they went into detail about how we would develop our ultimate moves. Afterwards, Cementos raised me and one of Ectoplasms clones up to a tall pillar of cement. Quickly, I placed my hand on the ground and blew the ground apart. Then, I used my left hand to fly toward the clone, grabbed its face, and blew its head apart. It disappeared in a mush and I screamed.

“Ectoplasm, I killed it. Give me another!” He nodded and vomited one out. I used my hands to spin around, then flew up, placed my palms together, and detonated a large smoke screen. Then, I dropped down and used an explosion on the ground in front of the clone. It stumbled back and in that moment, I used my explosions to rocket myself toward it and kicked it in the leg, my hand on its head. Slamming it into the ground, it disappeared.

Once we ran out of time, I changed to my school clothes, walked to the lab and knocked. A pink haired girl answered with goggles on her head. She was on Dekus Cavalry Battle Team. I walked in and told her what I wanted. “I want to be able to take more of a beating. Some lightweight padding or armor would be nice.” She nodded and walked to Power Loader. He nodded and walked over.

“Do you want it to be bulletproof, or shock absorbant, or anything particular?” He asked, holding a small tablet.

I looked at my hand,covered in sweat. “I guess shock absorbant and flame resistant. And braces for my arms? So I can use bigger attacks?”

“We can do that.” He said, typing more in the tablet. “Anything else?” He looked at me through his helmet.

“Yeah. I want some lenses in my mask that can see through thermal vision if I want.” I said. “It would be preferable if I could control it by a screen or lense on my gauntlet.”

Power Loader nodded and typed more. “If you have any more requests, get it to me by tonight at 5 or you’ll have to wait until the suit comes back so we can do them.”

“Got it.” I said and I felt my phone vibrate in my belt pocket. I pulled it out and looked at the name. ‘Hitoga’. I answered it after walking into the hallway.

“Katsuki!” a voice called. It was hard to tell, but it was Toga. “I was wondering. Can we go for a drink later?” Shigaraki had made it clear that if someone said ‘get a drink’, it meant meet up at the bar.

“Sure. What time?” I asked, seeing people coming. Jiro and Kaminari? Weird pairing. I walked down the hall as Toga responded.

“5:45 pm. Our handy man wants to check the game schedule.” she said. Shigaraki wants to check our planning. “And Patchy needs to discuss your training.” Dabi needs to get our combat roles sorted.

“Got it. I’ll be there.” I said. “I gotta go. School work and all.”

“Aww...Okay. See ya, Katsuki!” she said and quickly hung up. I slid the phone in my belt pocket and walked toward the dorms. After I was taken, the UA Teachers had ran Dorms past our parents. All of 1A had moved into the dorms soon after I joined the League. It made things interesting, to say the least. When I reached my room, I switched into a black tank top and switched into my black tennis shoes. They made me harder to see when I snuck back into my room. I still had my black pants on, so I was ready to meet up in 15 minutes. I walked down to the first floor and slipped out without anyone noticing. I walked to the edge of campus and got into the taxi Shigaraki had called for me.

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