Continuing Struggle

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“What kinda quirk?” I asked, distancing myself. I stood in the middle of the road, traffic completely stopped. Several cars were blocking traffic, drivers still in their cars.  More heroes are probably coming. This wasn’t even a fight I wanted.  “I’m a hero student!” I said, looking at the hero. “I won the UA Sports Festival!” Before I could continue, his arm extended, his hand gripping my face. Pulling me towards him, he punched me in the ribs once I reached him. As I flew upwards, he shot a tendril that wrapped around my torso, then slammed me into the sidewalk.

“I don’t believe it. Reports say one of the villains have a cloning quirk.” he said, grabbing my face, lifting me up. “You are a villain.” He threw me across the street and I used small explosions to stop myself, each explosion from my left hand hurting. I think my wrist and shoulder are sprained. This guy ain’t a hero! He shot towards me, his fist growing. “Finishing Move: Venom Slam!” As he swung his fist, I ducked under him, my right hand touching the ground. Dragging it, I lifted it up, approaching him.

“BEGONE!” I screamed, detonating the largest explosion I could. He went flying, his symbiote dissolving and the hero himself limp. This is my chance! I ran towards him, using my right hand for extra speed. “You ain’t a hero!” I grabbed his face, detonating several explosions. “You’re just another extra!” I used a final explosion, sending him flying towards the road. Before he fell, a cloud caught him. Several heroes landed, all using their quirks. One was riding a cloud, one had a red aura and his hair was floating, and the third slammed an enlarged foot into the ground.

“Ah, poor naive Katadō.” the cloud hero said, a large cloud appearing over all of us. “Guess we were needed, after all, guys.”

“Don’t remind me.” The foot guy said, his whole body expanding. “I’ll beat him when we’re done here!”

“Idiot.” the floaty hair one said, stepping forward. The ground crumbled under him, like he weighed several tons. “That’s not very heroic.” He looked at me, his eyes seemingly glowing red. “And neither is claiming to be a hero!” With that, he shot towards me, his seemingly infinite weight gone. Using an explosion, I dodged. Somehow, he stood on the wall of the building, then jumped towards me. Throwing a punch, the man placed one foot on the sidewalk, causing it to crumble. Right as his hand was about to connect, he opened his hand, trying to touch me. Using several explosions, I distanced myself from the seemingly Gravity Wielder. Looking around, I was surrounded by the three heroes. As I looked at them, the cloud over us rumbled with thunder.

“Lightning Barrage!” the cloud man said, several lightning bolts hitting my body. As I fell to the ground, my body had a current for a short time. Each bolt don’t do a lot of damage, but several can drop me to my knees real quick. As I went to stand up, an enlarged fist met my face. Sending me flying, the gravity guy tapped my back, making me slam into the ground. Then, I was picked up by my chest. The enlarged guy held me in one hand, squeezing my ribs. Several bolts hit me again as the cloud started raining. I fell to my knees, coughing.

“So, Ground Zero. Wanna try this again?” The Gravity Manipulator asked, going to pat my shoulder. Waving my hand, an explosion made him jump, flying backwards. “Dang. Too bad. Hoping we could do this with minimal conflict.” As he said that, a small tornado swept me up along with debris. Using a large explosion, the tornado threw me and the debris out. “That easily?”

“W-What are your quirks?” I asked, standing up. My cheek was covered in blood from the gashes and my sides ached. I’ll retreat when their distracted. That’s the only way.

“The big guys in Body Inflation. He can make the muscles in his entire body, or a certain part.” The Gravity Controller said. “The larger the area, the larger he can make it. Mine is Gravity. I can alter the gravity of any object I touch for 15 seconds. And his is Weather. He can create small versions of weather phenomena.” he said, pointing to the weather guy. Then, several bolts hit me as the large guy shot towards me. Even though it hurt, I moved my arms up and detonated a large explosion, sending me flying into the alley. I wobbled down the alley towards base. This is bad! This is bad! As I thought, a man slammed into the ground in front of me, his eyes glowing. His hand lurching towards me, I grabbed his wrist and barraged it with explosions. Throwing him with another explosion, I kept running. As I did, a wave of blue flames shot out. I dove out of the way of the all-to-familiar flames. I saw the figure shoot up as the flames scorched the area he had been at.

“You good?” Dabi asked, helping me up. 

“My left's sprained.” I said, holding my left shoulder. He looked at me, then nodded.

“Gotcha. I’ll keep these idiots busy for you.” he said, walking to the opening in the alley. “You’re too important to lose in a surprise fight.” I gritted my teeth and wobbled down the alley, towards the base.

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