Two of a Kind

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As Dabi slid a heavy metal door open, I coughed, dust pouring out. Walking in, Dabi announced, “I brought the special guest.” Before I knew it, hands grabbed my arms and chest, slamming me against a wall. A single small, femine hand stroked my abs over my shirt. Dabi stood in front of me, grinning. “Sorry about this, Sho-Bro. But it was needed.” Lights shot on, blinding me. The hands released, my feet keeping me upright. Squinting, a figure with large blonde hair stood in front of me, blocking Touya out.

“B-Bakugou?” I asked. The figure extended his arms, which looked perfectly fine. “Is that you?”

“Shoto!” his voice announced, his hand resting on my chest. I withdrew, my eyes getting used to the light. Bakugou stood there in a modified version of his suit. “Looks like Dabi did his job.” Looking at Touya, his face looked like regret mixed with joy. “I’m sure you’re wondering why you’re here.”

“I came to bring you back.” I said, placing my hand on his shoulder. “Everyone is worried sick.” Bakugou smiled, then placed his hand on my shoulder.

“Crazy. I was gonna convince you to join us.” he said, his knee hitting my ribs. I collapsed, clutching my stomach. “Think, you and Dabi can kill your old man, and then there’s nothing making you be a hero. You can let all that anger out, Frostburn. It feels amazing!” I coughed, trying to stand up. Before I could, I was slammed against the wall, the same femine hand now holding a knife to my throat. “So, whaddya say, Second Place?” I struggled, my arms not budging. Giving up, I looked at Bakugou in the eyes.

“Is that what you think it’ll take me to change sides?” I said, igniting my arm in flames. “I won’t leave Deku and Iida to find both of us!” As I yanked my arm away, I felt my flames not on my arm. Looking at my arm, a needle was in my arm. I looked at it, horrified.

“So, you care about Deku?” he asked, grabbing my face, making me look at him. “He has a way of making you care about him. Not to mention his ability to make you think like a hero.” He released my face, stepping backwards. “Don’t believe me? How do you think I learned as much about my quirk as I have? Deku, even quirkless, pushed me to be better. And once he’s gone, I’ll have nothing to worry about. And you’re not excluded from that. He made you use your dreaded left side. Break the vow you made to yourself.”

I gritted my teeth, thinking. Looking up, I made eye contact with him. “You’re right. Not just about Endeavor, but Deku too.” My arms loosened up, my binds disappearing. “I’ll kill that man for everything he put my family through. And Deku for making me break the promise I made to my mother.” Bakugou grinned, extending his hand.

“Welcome to the League, then, Frostburn.” I shook his hand, a new light burning in my heart. I’ll kill both of them. And with Touya, we’ll finally get revenge on our father.

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