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While I sat on a crate back at base, Compress placed a bandage on my cheek. “So, some random hero attacked you?” He asked, taping it to my face. I nodded as he sat down next to me. “Perhaps All for One has a healing quirk he can give someone. Perhaps Dabi?”

“Why him in particular?” I asked, my arm in a sling. “We have other members.”

“Cause he’s always on the frontlines.” Compress said, taking his mask off, exhaling. “He’s always near the people who are injured.”

As we sat there, Toga opened the front door with Dabi, whose arm was steaming. “Those heroes…” he said, clutching the steaming arm. “One of ‘em stabbed me. They had a hidden fourth member?” he asked as Toga grabbed some bandages. She wrapped his arm, her face red, given Dabi was bleeding.

“No. I took that one out before the others showed up.” I said, walking to Dabi. “Sorry. If I’d been stronger…” As I looked at my feet, Dabi placed his hand on my shoulder.

“Those dudes were seriously strong” he said, his voice quiet. “I didn’t kill a single one. I just put bursts out and hoped it would do somethin’.” As he stopped talking, another door opened. There stood Shigaraki with a heavyset old man with a mustache and peculiar glasses. 

“Ah, Tomura

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“Ah, Tomura. It appears I came in time to be of some service.” he said, walking towards us. Reaching us, he placed his hand on me and Dabi’s foreheads. Then, a sudden sensation ran over me and all my cuts and sprains stopped hurting.

“How…” Dabi muttered as the man walked away. The man smiled and stopped, next to Tomura.

“I am All for One’s Doctor. You may call me Ujiko.” he said, looking away from us. “And I’m here regarding your Trump Card Nomu, as Tomura called it.”

“Oh? And what about it?” I asked, ripping off my bandage while slipping my sling off. “We ain’t using it for the upcoming raid, old man.”

“The Boss has a new quirk he thinks might be useful.” he said, not acknowledging my comment. “And all you need to do…” he said, looking at Tomura, a glare in his glasses. “Is prove you’re worthy of the power.”

“How so?” Shigaraki asked, placing his face mask on.

“Beat the Shie Hassaikai.” he said, walking back through the door he came from. “Then, we can talk again.I gave you a list of available quirks. Choose 2 to add to the Nomu before the raid.” Shutting the door, there was a strange gargling noise as Compress ran to the door.

“What do you mean!?” he screamed, throwing the door open. “How?” He turned to us, a confused look on his face. “He vanished.”

“It’s his pets quirk.” Shigaraki said, walking into the room Ujiko disappeared from. “His weird little Nomu Pet can teleport whoever he wants.” Shigaraki shut the door, leaving us all confused.

“Does that guy even know our plans?” I asked, looking towards the door. “And why does Shigaraki just seem to accept that offer? We don’t need a crutch!”

“Yeah, we do.” Compress said. “They have so many heavy hitters. More than we can face, even one on two. And in that matchup, we’d lose.”

“Not necessarily.” Dabi said, his feet up on a crate. “I took a peek at the strategy Firecracker is makin’. Seems pretty sturdy, even for a rough base of what we should do.” I felt myself hold my breath as I saw him open his mouth again. I made a major error in assessing their quirks or the enemies. Or I overestimated how capable some of these guys are. “But, I feel like you’ll improve it, based off all those quick notes on the margins. Am I right?” I let my breath out silently, not wanting them to notice.

“Yeah. But the framework is there.” I said, sliding my hands in my pockets. “Now, I just have to come up with contingencies.”

“Still.” Compress said, wiping his mask off. “The fact that a teenager came up with this strategy is hard to believe.”

“He did place #1 in the UA entrance exam.” Dabi said, looking at Compress. “And the fact that he helped plan the assault on Tartarus shows how good he is at strategizing.” Compress nodded in acknowledgement as Kurogiris warpgate opened, Toga walking through, covered in blood, but no visible cuts. “Great. Psycho, how many did you get?” he asked, standing up.

“5!” she screamed. “3 guys and 2 girls!” Dabi nodded and turned to me.

“Well then, Ground Zero.” he said, smiling. “We ready for the final step of planning?”

“Yeah!” I said, detonating a small explosion as I clenched my fist. “We’ll bring those damned throwbacks to where they rightfully belong! 6 feet underground!” Everyone in the room displayed joy and excitement. Dabi smirked, Toga jumped for joy, and Compress smiled, sliding his mask on.

“Now, let’s make the Shie Hassaikai…” he said, sliding one palm along the other, revealing a card, then disappeared in a flash of blue light. “Disappear.”

My Hero:Villian Bakugou AUWhere stories live. Discover now