Surprising Announcement

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“What!” Dabi screamed, slamming his hands on the table that he, Toga, Compress and Spinner were sitting at. Spinner had bandages around his torso, still injured. “You wanna break Muscular and Moonfish outta Tartarus?!” Shigaraki was sitting on a stool, looking at us. Twice was at the window, smoking.

“Did I stutter?” the leader asked, his voice low and carrying an edge. “If we’re going against the 8 Precepts, we’ll need a brute force fighter. That Rappa guy might have been struggling with the Trump Nomu, but that thing has limited energy. Recollecting its pieces zaps its strength for a while.”

“So, your answer is break into Tartarus, the most secure prison ever and break out the two guys we left at the forest?” Dabi said, lifting his right hand slightly off the table.  This Muscular musta lost to the teachers or students. But if he is as strong as they’re implying, I doubt anyone could have beaten him. That Moonfish freak, on the other hand. I had a hand in him getting caught. And isn’t Stain in Tartarus as well? Didn’t he work with the League? “Thats seriously stupid! Why not just take some more Black Nomu with the Trump One and wage war with ‘em?”

“Chisaki.” I said, rubbing my hands together. I looked up at Shigaraki and continued. “Chisaki took the white ones down in one tap. His quirk is seriously broken. Seems a little too OP, if ya ask me.”

“Exactly!” Shigaraki said, pointing at me. “The kids onto the point.”

“And how do we know Muscular and Moonfish won’t get ‘Overhauled’?” Spinner asked, clutching his stomach. “One tap and Pow! They’re a shower of flesh and blood.”

“We’ll keep Muscular engaged with Rappa. As for Moonfish, he’ll help some of us in fighting the lower level thugs and Chisakis ‘8 Expendables’.” Kurogiri said, the edges of his body dancing. “We have profiles on the Expendables and their quirks. But, given where we got them from, we have to be careful and quick.”

“Why?” Toga asked, wiping one of her blades off. “That’s stupid to rush the planning period.”

Shigaraki looked at Compress, then Kurogiri. “When we stole the reports on Muscular and Moonfish from the police, we also stole their reports on Chisakis group. The police are working with All Mights former sidekick to take down the Yakuza offshoot. He runs a hero agency that employs an intern from UA. A member of the Big Three, Mirio Togata.” The big three. The best of the best.Their strength is on level with Pro Heroes, maybe even higher. “Though they don’t have a date of an assault, they seem to be planning it soon.”

“Wait so, we got a location?” Toga asked, stabbing her knife into the table. Shigaraki nodded, causing Dabi to slump in his seat and Toga to pull her knife out of the table. “Let me stab one of ‘em, Tomura. Can I?”

“When we attack, yes. Until then, no.” Shigaraki said, adjusting his hand mask. Then, he looked at me. “As for our Firecracker, did you receive your gear?” I nodded, having received the box with my villain outfit in it. “Then, keep doing stuff that UA wants you to and keep your cover.”

“Got it.” I said, leaning back in my chair. “The teachers went over everything with me. Told ‘em that I was in my room when the assault started, went to see what was happening, and got turned around.”

“So, they think the you they saw fighting with All Might is…” Twice said, snuffing his cigarette out.

“A Clone. Or an imposter. They don’t know.” I said, smiling. “All I know for sure is that they don’t suspect me. Or at least that I know of.”

“Good. Keep suspicion low, our dear Firecracker.” Dabi said, smirking ever so slightly. “You’re the center of the grand finale of the plan.”

“To shatter the pillar, once and for all.”Twice said, pulling his mask down. “Once we break All Might down, we show that we’ve corrupted an up and coming hero.” I couldn’t help but blush slightly, being an important factor in their plan. “To think that we’re putting our plan on the hope the kid doesn’t get found out.”

“Even if he does, the fact he fell in the first place will still work for us.” Shigaraki said, rubbing his neck with all but his pinky finger. “And if that doesn’t work, me and Kurogiri have another option to shatter it. One that can’t be avoided.” Everyone looked at Shigaraki and Kurogiri, wanting to know.

“Spill it, creep.” Dabi said, raising his hands behind his head.

“Tell us, Tomura!” Toga yelled, slamming the table.

“Seriously, dude.” Twice yelled, then contradicted himself. “As if I care!”

“The backup plan is…” Kurogiri said, pausing slightly. “The fact that Tomura Shigaraki is All Mights predecessors grandchild.”

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