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Dekus POV
As I continued to struggle against the man who had me by my face, the pain from my leg shot through my body, making me yelp in pain. The aura was slowly disappearing from around my body and into the man who had attacked the memorial. "Heh. Don't think I'm completely oblivious to the DNA transfer of One for All, either." My eyes widened, my line of sight only showing me the man's masked face. "All Might told you the story of this quirk, correct. Then you know who I am."

"All...for...One..." I groaned, the pain almost unbearable.

He laughed, raising me up above his head. "Indeed! And to celebrate All Might's death, I'll finish off the One for All lineage." I saw the aura all but gone from around my body, so I did the only thing I could think of. I drew my arm back, charging it with all the power I could.

"SMASH!!!" I screamed, throwing my fist at his chest. My arm snapped in several spots, the backlash of my quirk still too much for my body. ​After all this time, I'm still too weak. All Might...I'm sorry...His hand loosened up and I felt my body fall with immense weight as my eyes went to the man, the aura in his hand. I fell through the air, the pain in both of my broken limbs almost an afterthought.​ Mom's Telekinesis. Dad's Firebreath. And they made me. Quirkless little Deku. Kacchan was right. Maybe I should have taken a swan dive off the roof of the school. ​I exhaled, warmth coming from my mouth. Opening my eyes, I had landed on a collection of fire, making a pillow of flames that didn't burn me.

"Hm. Interesting." All for One said, the aura creating an unruly orb in his hand. "Unlike all other quirks, it seems this one has a unique property as to not be absorbed by mine. Possibly due to the fact it was made via my quirk? No matter..." He released the orb, the aura rushing back to me as the flame pillow dissipated. I started crawling towards where all the cops were starting to barrel out from. "So long as I kill you, the Lineage will die." A loud bang sounded, my body being sent flying away, sliding on my unbroken arm. I looked, Gran Torino standing there, his cape already ripped and tattered. "Ah, Shimura's friend protecting the ninth user?"

"It's not that I like the kid." he said, wiping his lip. "I made a promise to her to do what Toshinori needed me to. And it just so happens it was to protect him as much as I can." All for One simply raised his hand, shooting an air blast at the cops, all of whom went flying back, but not lethally injured. "Kid, crawl with all your will!" he screamed, shooting at the villain. "Don't worry about me!" I closed my eyes, then started to crawl, my arm and my leg not hurting. All I could hear were loud blasts, things getting smashed into other things, and my own breath. I saw Death Arms, the pro hero, running towards me.

"I got ya, kid!" he screamed, picking me up and running with me. I remembered the last time I had seen this guy, back when Kacchan fought the sludge villain. He ran with me in his arms, air blasts exploding nearby. One hit him, causing him to groan and throw me, me landing on my broken arm. The pain shot through my body, not allowing me to move. Looking at the hero, he was looking back at the villain, his back having a large wound on it, his legs trembling. "Go, kid." Another blast threw him into the air, blood coming from his mouth. He landed to my right, crashing through a truck. He wobbled to his feet, his face covered in blood. I continued to crawl as Death Arms wobbled, then smiled. Collapsing, he coughed. Panicked, I looked back towards All for One. He was holding Gran Torino by his white hair, his face bloodied. Then, he punched Torino in the face, sending him flying and crashing to my left. He floated over to me, his arm bulging.

"Now, face the fate of all users of your quirk." he said, raising his palm to me. I closed my eyes, raising my hand to him. Opening my eyes, I exhaled, flames roaring around me and creating a wall in front of me. His air cannon ripped the wall apart, the flames dispersing. "You seem to have awakened some sort of quirk. Be it the one you were born with or one of the previous users."

I started panting, the flames raising my body heat. "But nevermind." he said, grabbing me by my ripped dress shirt. His other arm started growing in size, then he threw a punch. On instinct, I kicked him in the chest with my broken leg, the pain shooting through my entire body. He dropped me as I flew away, my pant leg ripped. ​Without realizing, I used more than my safe amount. 45%. With the pain through my body, I didn't feel anything new.​ As I braced for impact, flames erupted around me and I was caught. Looking, Endeavor was holding me in his arm, his free hand engulfed in flames. "Ah. Endeavor. The man who was closest to All Might in terms of strength."

Endeavor sat me down, and tree branches grabbed me by the waist. Kamui Woods pulled me closer to him. "You're all good, Endeavor!" he screamed, tying me to his back and he started running away. "Mount Lady!" As he called, he used branches to fly, something growing under us. We landed on Mount Lady's shoulder as she stood still. "We got ya, kiddo." he said as I exhaled, my body growing heavy.

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