Infiltration: Part I

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Slipping on my gloves, I wiggled my fingers. Then, picking up the small canister filled with liquid, I slid it on my back. "You ready, Firecracker?" Dabi asked, adjusting his new metal gauntlets. I nodded, walking into the main room. Everyone was wearing their Villain Outfits on the day of the Raid on Tartarus. "Everyone know their jobs?" Dabi asked, looking at everyone. They all nodded, then Kurogiris warpgate appeared, Shigaraki walking into the room.

"The plan is good to go." he said, putting his hand mask on. "All the measures we're taking should work." Then, the Trump Nomu walked through the warpgate, followed by a slender man, "And this is our guest. Toga, go ahead." Once he said this, Toga stabbed the man in the neck with one of her syringes. The blood went into one canister on her hip.

"Done." She said, pulling the syringe from the mans neck, who collapsed to the ground. Compress touched him, compressing him. Then, Toga put her mask on, the container emptying. Then, she undid her top and bra, them falling to the ground. She covered her breasts as she undid her lower clothes. Compress put them in a duffel bag, then Compressed the bag. Toga changed in appearance, becoming the man she had killed. "Hi, I'm Tenzino Yakibashi." She said, holding the ID card she grabbed from the man. "Let's go." Kurogiri opened a warpgate to our side and we all breathed one last breath. Then, we all stepped through. We appeared on the roof of an abandoned factory.

"Alpha Squad, go for the incoming transport." Dabi said, pointing to the road to our left, West Shikina Avenue. As he did, Spinner, Twice and Toga leapt off the building. "Beta Squad, stay here for retreat." Kurogiri kept his warpgate open as Shigaraki cracked his knuckles, groaning. "And Delta Squad..." he looked at his watch, waiting. Everyone left, including me, walked to the edge of the roof. "Now!" Once he spoke, we threw ourselves off the roof. Landing on the transport, Compress stole a piece of the roof of the truck. Me, Dabi, and Compress dropped inside, Compress releasing the stolen part of the roof, making it look like it was normal. Then, there was a knock at the driver's speaking window. It slid up, showing Twice.

"Where to, my passengers?" Spinner joked from the driver's seat.

"If you don't drive normally, the hospital." Dabi said. "Your driving is terrible. I get motion sick."

"You have an issue from my driving skills I learned from video gaming?" Spinner asked, taking a turn rather sharp. "Toga, you're up!" he said, ducking behind the drivers seat. Twice hid as well, Toga taking the wheel. As the window slammed shut, I heard someone speak.

"ID Card?" the voice said. A brief silence, then another question. "Nature of visit?"

"Dropping some captured villains off. S Ranked and above." Toga said, still in her false form. Handing the guard the documents on the false villains she's dropping off. I thought, remembering what Toga should be doing.

"Understood." the guard said, a loud buzzer sounding. "Head to Gate 4." The truck started moving again, us passing through the security gate. A little bit afterwards, we stopped, then were lifted up. The truck doors opened, guards coming to take the "prisoners". Instead, they took an explosion to the head, blowing their skulls to chunks. I released their nonexistant heads, my gloves soaked in blood.

"Now, Muscular first." Dabi said, looking around. "He's on the same level as Moonfish, but he's more useful." As Dabi talked, Toga and Twice took the heart rate detectors from the guards and put them on their necks. "Good. Those things report any stopped heart rates after 10 seconds." Toga nodded, returned to her regular form and fully clothed.

"That elevator was a nice break." she said, adjusting her shirt. Spinner was blushing, having seen her naked. "Now, Muscular should be near here." She said, walking down the hallway. I was adjusting my gauntlets. They were a way smaller version of my previous ones, basically hugging my arms. They were still grenade based, but had a different purpose. So did my left glove, which had a tube, leading to the device on my back. We had refined my sweat that was gathered from my gauntlets, making it way more explosive. Concentrated Nitroglycerin. By linking the device to my glove, I can use explosions 10x stronger than my basic ones. I'll help them blow this society to bits with these!

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