Chapter 30

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Two weeks have passed since our wedding and honestly I've never been happier. Vitani and I vowed to have each other until our fur is filled with grey and our knees give up under our weight, even then I know I will see her as beautiful as I do at this very moment.

"Dude, you're doing it again. " Mheetu said at my side while nudging me with his paw.

"Doing what?" I asked raising a brow.

"Staring." He stated with a chuckle making me blush a bit because it's true, ever since the wedding I've been caught staring at Vitani and it's quite often.

"I don't mean to, I just can't help it. She's just so-"

"Beautiful, I know. You've said it a million times." He said while rolling his eyes. I chuckle nervously and gave him a toothy grin making him throw his paw over my shoulder and pull me into a hug as my lying body was dragged over to his resting spot near me. "Don't worry, I do the same thing when I'm around Shanni. "

"Speaking of which, where is the lovely lady in your life?" I inquired while sitting up knowing that she normally is always at his side and now that she isn't seems to be quite odd. "Is she mad at you?"

"No, I mean I don't think, she slept by me last night. I think she might still be sleeping." I furrowed my brows in confusion.

"Dude, Shanni is always the first to wake up." I reminded him while sitting up from my resting position. Mheetu stared at me with worried filled teal eyes.

"Wanna check on her? I mean it's not like her." She may not be my mate but she is my sister-in-law by default and though she is a pain in the butt she's the life of the cave.

Mheetu nodded his head and quickly stood and began to trot to the back of the cave where they have decided to make their sleeping area.

Before I went to follow Mheetu, I looked at the front of the cave where Vitani was having a conversation with Shanira about how all men are the same making me shake my head and then I proceeded to follow the grey furred lion with the brown mane. As I followed behind him my ears twitched at the sound of Shanni's soft breathes signifying that she was still sleeping. My eyebrows shot up at the sight of the golden furred lioness on the cave floor, eyes shut, and paws holding her head. Mheetu's facial features mimicked my own as we stared at the beautiful lioness still resting though the sun is already up. Mheetu took a few steps foreword and lightly touched her cheek with his nose.

"Shanni, Shanni come on wake up. It's about time to go hunting." He whispered not even making her stir. "Shans, please wake up." He said desperately now tugging on her pierced ear finally awakening her.

"Mheetu, ugh, go away." She moaned with half open eyes before she placed her small paw on her face.

"I can't just go away and let you sleep in." He scolded knowing that though we weren't a part of Simba's pride we had our own set of rules and one of them being that all of the adults must awaken before the sun rises to get an early start on hunting.

Shanni mumbled something incoherent into her paw making me swipe her paw away from her face and for her eyes to widen.

"Stop being a brat! We have to go hunting, now get up." I growled already aggravated and the sun isn't even at it's highest yet.

"I don't feel like it today." She spat, glaring at me with her mismatched eyes. I groaned and rolled my eyes knowing that she wasn't going to get up today even if I dragged her all the way over to the plains myself. But, from the corner of my eye I could see Mheetu trying to lie by her side. I quickly walked back to him and stepped in between his resting mate and his tall figure.

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