Chapter 8

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The suns rays made my eyes finally open and what I see isn't the gorge or Pride Rock it's a tree. A large tree full of fruit of some sort. "Where am I?" I'm not sure who I'm asking but I am pretty sure this tree and i aren't alone. "Ah, you have awaken." I lift my head and stare up at an old baboon with markings on his face. "Do i know you?" He looks familiar but again I can't put my paw on it. "I would think so. Haha I'm Rafiki. Vitani brought you here in hopes I help you feel better." His accent is really strong and it takes me a few seconds to understand what he told me. "Where is she?" "She'll be back when the stars come out to play. Now, tell me what hurts?" "My head more than anything." I raise one of my paws and rub my head to attempt to ease the pain but it doesn't work, of course.

"That gorge is full of horrid memories, that is why you heard the voices. You are not crazy. The king himself can't bare to walk through there." I look up at the bearded monkey and notice hes making something in this tortoise shell. "Why?" "That is where the kings father was killed." He looks up from the shell and makes eye contact with me. "Mufasa?"

I have no clue how that name came to me but all the familiar things are causing me some distress and horrid headaches. I'm much too young to be suffering from this. "You look like him you know." "What?" "You look like Simba and Mufasa, only difference is your mane is a light brown and theirs is a red." I raise a brow "how? I have no relations with them." "Then who do you habve relations with?" He walks over to me with the giant, green shell and places it in front of me. "I I don't remember." I honestly answer.

"How do you not remember family?" "I don't rememeber anything from my past and when I try to think back to it my head hurts and I black out." "Odd. Here, drink this. It will help with the headache." "Thank you." I lick the orange paste and gag. "What is this?" "Do not question. Just drink." He pushes the gross paste in front of me and I continue to eat, rather than drink, the nasty orange paste.

"Now, tell old Rafiki how you got here. " I look up at him and the crazy baboon is staring at me with wild eyes. "I woke up from a nap and I walked to through the tall grass in search of water. I met Vitani and she let me stay at some cave next to Pride Rock then I met her pride and here I am. " It doesn't feel like this happened only a few days ago. It feels as though I've known them my whole life. "What was your family like? " "I told you I don't remember much. " "Yes, but Vitani told me that you knew Mheetu so you must remember that. " "I remember he took care of me and raised me. That's all. " "Nothing else? " "No sir. " He raises a brow and strokes his long goatee.

"Tanabi, do you know the story of the Pride Lands? " "No sir. " "Would you like for me to tell you?" I nod not wanting to speak.

I only want to listen.

"In the beginning of the lands there were two brothers, one was older and stronger then the younger weaker one. The older one was named Mufasa and the other Taka. Mufasa being the eldest was chosen from the very moment of his birth to be the future king once Ahadi's sun set on his time on the lands. Taka being the youngest would be the next in line to the throne.

The two brothers loved each other very much and always played together, the only difference between the two was Mufasa was skilled in physical activities while Taka was skilled in mental activities causing the two of them to always bicker about the dumbest of things. One day Ahadi asked Mufasa to come with him to talk about the throne arrangements while Taka stayed home with his mother, Uru. Of course Taka snuck out and followed his brother and father in complete silence making sure not to get caught and to listen well.

He had heard that his brother would be king and not him. This caused the young cub to become rather sad, since he was certain, because of his brains, he would become king. But, my father had told Ahadi that he saw darkness in Taka's heart and would rule the lands with hate.

The next day Taka wanted to do everything possible to prove my father and his own that he wasn't filled with darkness and he would rule the lands just as good as his older brother Mufasa. Mufasa would taunt his little brother playfully saying that he would be king while he wouldn't and marry the beautiful Sarabi. Taka had a hidden crush on her and this enraged him. He pushed Mufasa off a boulder and one of Mufasa's paws was hurt badly.

Ahadi spoke to his young son, reprimanding him really, for doing such a horrid thing to his brother. Taka had enough of the constant Mufasa this, Mufasa that and told his father his brother was too stupid to rule. Ahadi scolded him again for using such words only causing the young cub more anger. Taka told the king how immature his choice was and the king lashed out and struck Taka, accidentally scratching his eye making him bleed. Uru came to her sons side but Taka ran away to the elephant graveyard meeting three idiotic hyenas befriending them. Since that day he called himself Scar since he knew the damage his father caused will forever be left on his face.

He was filled with the darkness my father had seen and warned about.

Mufasa grew up along side of his younger brother. The only difference now is that Taka, Scar, was more solitary and more to himself.

As the years passed by Mufasa and Sarabi got closer and closer until they became a couple. Scar's hatred towards his brother grew even more.

When the Ahadi and Uru took their final breathes Mufasa took his rightful place as king and Sarabi his loyal queen, and Scar watched from the sidelines with hate and hurt in his heart.

Scar was even more enraged when Mufasa had a son who would take over the lands when Mufasa died. Scar knew for certain that he would never become king now.

He and his hyena accomplices plotted a way to kill the king, succeeded and drove Simba, the kings son, away from the lands.

Years passed and the young prince grew up with a warthog and meerkat, Timon and Pumbaa, he went back after he crossed tails with Nala and a few words from me. He challenged Scar, won the battle, and claimed his place in the great circle of life. " He finishes the story and a hundred questions pop to my head. How did Simba find his way back? Why did he believe Scars lies? Why was Scar so evil? Why does all of this sound so familiar?

"But, why did Scar do all of this? Didn't he love his brother? Couldn't they both rule? " "Haha that isn't how it works my friend. Only one king and one queen can rule at one time. " "I know but couldn't the father change the rules?" "He could have yes, but Scar was probably going to do the same thing anyways to be the only king. " "I guess. I mean how could you kill your own brother? " "I do not understand it myself. There was so much hatred and evil in his heart that not even he himself could control. "

"Did they ever find out that Scar killed Mufasa? " "Scar confessed the night of his death. " "Did Simba kill him? " "The Outsiders, that's a story for another time, believed that Simba killed him but when he was thrown off the top of Pride Rock it appeared as so but his hyenas, his own friends, killed him. " "Why? " "Scar thought that by blaming it all on the hyenas he wouldn't die. They heard him and when he fell, you know the rest. " "I can't imagine a worse way of dying. " "Being betrayed by your own family. Now that's the worst way to die. " I look up making eye contact with the wise monkey. "You knew Mufasa didn't you? " "He was my best friend growing up. " He dips his head down and a single tear rolls down his cheek. I get up and sit next to him "hey, it's okay. " Wiping the tear away he says "he didn't deserve to die the way he did, being let go from the top of a ledge in the gorge wasn't the way he should have died. "

That's when I connected Mufasa's death, the gorge, the voices, my headaches. "What color were Scar's eyes? " "They were a piercing green eyes. Odd question to ask. " "I know this is going to sound crazy but, I I think I saw his eyes in the gorge. I heard their voices and I I think I saw his death. " He stays quiet and stares at me.

"Please say something before I completely lose my mind. " I say ripping away from his gaze "Tanabi, you mustn't tell anyone about this. " "Why? " "Trust me. Just don't. " "Okay. " He nods and gets up. "You may stay here for a couple more nights. " "I thought you'd want me to leave because of what I said. " "I'm letting you stay because of what you said. " I smile "thank you. " "You're welcome. "

A few hours later my ears twitch indicating a sound coming from the outside of the tree which is impossible since we're in the middle of nowhere. "I hear something. " "It's probably Vitani. She's been coming here everyday since the day of the gorge. " "Wait how long have I been asleep? " "Tanabi you've been asleep for a month. "

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