Chapter 46

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"So, only one mate? How odd." Sultan said licking his paws clean of blood from our kill.

"Are you implying you have many?" I ask, looking over at the strange cub sitting too still at his side. He was a bit older than my own children, maybe a season.

"I have more mates than I know what to do with." He chortles loudly making his half face crinkle and my insides to churn.

"That means many cubs." Shanni says making sure her own are close to her belly.

"Oh yes. Dozens. All of them female, expect Damu of course. He will take care of his sisters and mothers when he's older." He says and places a paw on his sons shoulder. Damu looks over and gives a curt nod.

"That's quite the responsibility for such a young cub." Shanni continues and rests her head on Mheetu's shoulder. He smiles softly and places his cheek on the top of her head.

"I can manage." Damu speaks, his voice a croak. I watch my Salama squirm and Adya's eyes widen with wonder.

"You sure little lion? Taking care of a pride is hard stuff." I joke and watch his lifeless eyes snap in my direction.

"Not from we're from." He states and for a moment I forget I'm speaking to a cub.

"Damu, mind yourself." His father reprimands and Damu shrinks.

"Sorry." The cub says and lies down on the ground about a foot from his father.

"It's alright. Every pride is different." I assure and attempt a smile. The cub blinks and then shuts his red eyes and seems to be asleep.

"He has his mothers spark. He'll grow out of it if he wants to be pride leader." Sultan says and it sounds like a threat.

"He's young. He'll find himself with age, friend." I defend the sleeping cub and I hope to the great kings that they leave soon.

"Yes, yes that's true. Speaking of friendships," Sultan says and his one red eye glistens. "You are friends of Simba, the King."

I feel my body stiffen. "He is an old friend."

"If I have heard correctly he has a new granddaughter." He says looking directly at little Kopa between Kovu's paws.

"What of it?" I snap and he looks back at me.

"Well, how about I strike a deal."

"If you are to strike a deal with anyone it will be with me. Simba and his pride have enough on their paws dealing with the drought." I say and lift my head up a bit straighter. I see Sultan's deformed lip twitch and a hideous smile appears.

"Alright, my friend, I will." He looks down between my paws and back towards his still sleeping son. "You must know how...difficult it is for us on this side of the jungle to find allies-friends rather."

"I suppose."

"My son, he will need someone to help guide him when he is older. A queen. Do you understand what I am asking of you?"

"You want one of my daughters to what? Marry Damu?"

"Not now. No. In time, when they are old enough to understand their feelings."

"My daughters are not to be pawned. They aren't even royal what good what that do for you?"

"Perhaps nothing. But it would give you an ally in case of war."

"What are you implying?" I stand now, ready to defend the Pridelands, though I hadn't a clue as to why the lands held such a special part in my heart.

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