Chapter 15

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For next couple of nights I don't have nightmares. In fact, it's the best sleep I've had in a while. The sun and I even made amends, now when the sun comes up I don't curse at it, I accept it and gladly awaken and greet it with a groan.

It's a work in progress.

The cubs and I are getting along just fine too. They even call me Tanabi instead of old man. They're so amazing. Even though I've only known them a short while I've seen them mature slightly. Beba still hasn't told me anything about Kopa though, but, every night he tells us stories about how he met his wife, Shanira, it's a lovely story.

They were both solitary until they crossed tails by fate. She was beautiful, he says, unique brown eyes and smooth tan fur. Beba had never seen such a beautiful cheetah in his life, they both were having a drink by the waterhole that the boys like play at and when she looked at him, he just knew she would be his.

They got to know each other and day but day, month after month they got closer and closer to one another. After a year of just being friends he finally asked for her to be his mate and she accepted. Shanira and Beba had a baby months after and they named him Haunani. His purple spots come from her father he had told us.

As the years went by she got pregnant and had twins a boy and a girl. Makuma and Muna.

One night she went off the hunt on her own but she never returned. He went looking for her and after a few months he realized she was never returning. He later found out that hunters killed her for her fur. Beba has never been so heart broken in his life.

The children didn't say a word as he told the story many nights ago but I know in their silence inside they were yelling.

I feel for them, I really do. They're so young and they had to deal with death so soon. I can't imagine how they feel. I don't know if the twins remember their mother though, maybe Haunani does?

I look over at the purple spotted cub who happens to be laying next to me and wonder if he knew his mother. I want to ask. I want to ask the boy with odd spots and green eyes if he knew his mother with the same unique eyes as his only sister. But I know it's rude and I won't push anyone for answers here which is exactly why I don't ask Beba about Kopa. I don't go around like a dog, which are disgusting beggars, asking for damn answers and I've learned this the hard way. Hell! I have a damn scar on the side of my snout to fucking prove it!

"You've been staring at me for the past ten minutes can you please stop? " Haunani snaps me out of my thoughts by rudely accusing me of staring. Which I have been since I was lost in thought.

"Sorry. " I apologize and raise my gaze to the twins curled up around each other taking a nap. A smile takes over my face and the only reason I look away is because I feel a pair of eyes staring at me ahead. "Nani?"


"When did your dad leave?"

"About five minutes ago. Why? "

"I need you to take your brother and sister somewhere in the bushes. "


"Shh, Nani. Trust me okay? " Fear takes over his fluffy face and I can't help but rub my forehead against his in a loving way. "It's going to be okay. Just hide over there and don't come out until I call. " He nods and scurries over, wakes his siblings and they crawl over to the bushes behind the rock we were resting at.

I crouch and flick my rimmed ears back, making my movements silent and quick.

When I get close to the shadow I pounce and what I land on I didn't except to ever land on.

The Lion King IV: Kopa's Story (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now