Chapter 31

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The loud sobs of Mheetu and Shanni filled the near ending afternoon. Mheetu was hysterical as he clung to my chest filling it with warm tears and heartbreaking sobs while Shanni lied on the ground weeping into Muna's back while Vitani lied her head and front paw on her sisters back for comfort. Ayodele and MK were licking the top of Shanni's head while Kiara wept silently as she placed her paw on top of Shanni's and occasionally licked her tears away. Kovu was lying in between Kiara and Vitani with his head on Shanni's back as well with Nafari and Zuri sleeping soundly in between his paws. 

Beba and Shanira were supporting Mheetu with their paws on his back saying soft words to calm him along with Haunani and Makuma.  

Though the two were being comforted and were being consoled we all knew this was not enough. The only thing that would help them feel better would be to convince the Queen to reconsider and spare the life of the innocent still forming cub that Shanni is bearing inside of her at this very moment. I felt myself sigh, how could she do this to them? Sure it was a pretty stupid mistake but Shanni was going to get pregnant sooner or later considering the fact that they are literally inseparable.  

Mufasa must really have it out for us. I thought and just as I did a huge lightning bolt struck the sky followed by the loud sound of thunder crackling scaring all the cubs making them scream. 

"It's alright, cubs, Mufasa is just cranky." Kiara assured with a sniffle as she licked her boys' head from her husbands paws. 

"Is he cranky because of what Nana did?" Zuri asked turning his ears forwards to listen to his mother better. Kiara's loving expression faltered slightly but she recovered quickly before answering her son.

"No, baby of course not." 

"Then why is he cranky?" He asked cocking his head to the side flopping his ears to the side and slightly hit Nafari on the nose. His brother wiggled his nose and slapped Zuri's ears away. 

"Because he knows you cubs aren't having any fun." She answered with another soft smile making her cubs, and the ones around her, to shuffle with excitement. 

"Run along now." His father encouraged while nudging his cubs with his angular nose making them giggle. Nafari turned and licked his fathers nose before he and his darker twin brother followed after. Muna jumped out from Shanni's paws and tackled Zuri to the ground while Nafari ran over to us and beckoned Haunani and Makuma over to play. All five cubs began to rough and tumble together while the adults attempted to raise the spirits of the sad couple. 

"How about we go for a quick hunt?" I suggested loud enough for everyone but the cubs to hear. 

"Hunt? Tanabi, it's pouring outside and I don't think food is going to fix this." Mheetu spoke at last but never raising his head. 

"I think that it'll help release some of the anger." I whispered making his teal eyes finally meet my own light green pair. He gave me a half smile in approval, I returned the gestured and bellowed twice signifying that it was time to hunt raising a few brows but I ignored them and stood to walk out of the cave. They all slowly stood and joined me at the mouth of the cave while Mheetu helped his mate up and nuzzled into her after licking her cheek. 

"You think that this will help?" I heard Vitani ask at my side making me look down at her. 

"I hope." I answered rubbing my snout against her cheek feeling her lean into the touch. 

"We'll be on cub duty." MK informed us with Ayodele at his side. I nodded at him and we all, quietly, made our way towards the grasslands with the bullets of rain pounding down against our pelts; drenching us but masking our scent making this a much easier hunt. 

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