Chapter 12

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I have left them all speechless, mouth a gape, and tears in Nala's eyes. But, I don't care, if I got to her by my ranting then I will do it as many times as I can to get some freaking answers.

I can hear Vitani shifting behind me but I don't move from my place which is in front of her facing Mheetu, Nala, and Rafiki. It's more of a protective stance than anything else honestly. I know they wouldn't hurt her but I'll do it anyway.

"Tanabi, there is nothing much to say about The Lost Prince." Rafiki's strong accent hits my ears and it isn't what I wanted to hear. "Why don't any of you want to face the past? Yes, I understand he died, but it's not like talking about Kopa will hurt him in any way, shape, or form." I'm getting rather annoyed by the lack of answers I am getting from these people.

"When you have become a Pride Lander we will tell you son." She says so quietly, so broken, I barely heard her. ''If you'll even allow me to after all of this." I don't regret any of the crap that escaped my lips. "Of course you are, I may not agree with how you demand to know things but, you are fearless and that is what makes us a Pride Lander." Her soft voice is no longer as soft as before it's stern and full of pride. "I think it's time we go home. " She declares and slowly she leaves the tree without a single glance back.

"I'll be back in the morning. " Mheetu tells me and he's gone. I look at Vitani trying to see what emotion is on her face but there isn't any. "Kopa was my best friend growing up. " Her voice cracks and I can't help but feel horrible for not knowing this, hurting her without even noticing. "I didn't know, I'm sor-" "Don't be." She cuts me off and takes a few steps towards me "he's in a better place now, I know he is. " I know she's trying hard not to cry, show any emotion really but, she's failing letting a tear roll down her cheek.

"He is. " She glances up at me "I promise he's happy wherever he is. " She gives me the weakest smile I have ever seen and digs her face into my neck, my mane covering her beautiful face. "Thank you. " "For what?" "Being here. " I smile at her response and lick behind her dark rimmed ear.

After a few more seconds of the embrace she pulls back "I should get going. " I nod and walk her out of the large tree. "I'll come with Mheetu in the morning if you'd like. " "Sure, I like that very much. " I smirk and she lifts her paw and shoves me "dork. " She laughs bringing life into me then taking it when she begins to walk away. "Wait." She stops mid-step and looks back "good night. " I mentally smack myself for the idiotic reaction of mine. "Good night. " She smiles and then starts to run off into the darkness.

When I walk back in Rafiki is giving me a hard stare. "What?" I ask rather confused, I mean I did disrespect the queen but I didn't do anything else that would earn that look he's giving me. "You were way out of line tonight. " "I know I'm sorry. It won't happen again." I take a few steps and sit in front of him "it better not, you are lucky she even let you live!" "It is I promise. " "Good, now it's time for bed. " "No story tonight?" "Not tonight Tana. " With his hands he shoo's me away I let out a chuckle and climb up to my branch and watch as the sun goes down slowly being replaced by the glorious moon.


"Kopa?" She asks her almost violet eyes sparkle in the dark night.


"What are those things up there?" She's so beautiful and she's mine.

"My father says they're The Great Kings Of The Past, they watch over us and guide us." I look over at her and she's looking at me with a funny look on her face.


"I like the way your eyes light up when you talk about stuff like that." Vitani blushes causting me to smile.

The Lion King IV: Kopa's Story (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now