Chapter 42

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My heart skipped a beat when Mheetu's entire body became stiff.

"What?" His voice sounded distant and hurt. I looked at Nala and she looked just as hurt before she stepped closer to him and spoke.

"I should have told you sooner. I am so sorry-"

"We had a father and brother this entire time and you never thought of telling me?" Mheetu's voice was laced with anger and I was slightly afraid for his newfound father and twin.

"Son-" Ni began but Mheetu whipped his head around and growled causing the old lion to go bug eyed and take a single step back.

"Don't call me son," he hissed before he turned back towards Nala. "I can't believe this! What, you just thought since they weren't around you wouldn't tell me?"

"I promised mom that I wouldn't tell you until it was time,"  Nala said, her beautiful eyes tear filled.

"That was not a decision she should have made on her own. I grew up without her, hell I took care of myself until adulthood, raised Tanabi, and when I came back she couldn't tell me I had two other family members somewhere in the desert?!"

"Let me explain Mheetu, please," Nala begged, her cheeks wet with tears. Mheetu let out a bitter laugh before he shook his head and turned away. He walked passed me and kept going until his figure was lost in the distance. I gulped and turned back around to see Nala's head hanging low in disappointment.

"You can't blame him, Nala. He has every right to be upset," Ni soothed, placing a consoling paw on her back. She turned and gave a weak smile and then looked over at her red maned mate. Simba walked over to her and gave her cheek a soft lick before he looked at Ni and Siwatu and bowed his head.

"You are welcome to stay for as long as you need. Let us all stay in Pride Rock tonight as a family and speak of how we can help your Pride," he said before he turned and lead us all to his home.


It was awkward when we arrived at Pride Rock. Mheetu had joined us after a while, he sat brooding beside Shanni and his cubs. He would inflate whenever Ni or his twin Siwatu would speak or laugh. I couldn't imagine how hard this was for him.

I was sure he knew he had a father, everyone had a father or mother, but I don't think he ever imagined his being alive. Much less showing up with a sibling being a paler, half blind, scarred, version of himself.

Siwatu was an intimidating lion. He was as large as Mheetu in height, but more muscular and serious. He only laughed along whenever Ni released a loud chortled laugh. It was like seeing a Mheetu counterpart. It was hard to believe they were even siblings. Siwatu's single cloudy eye and his other teal would occasionally and casually shift around and land on Mheetu before they lowered to Shanni and then their sons.

"I don't like this," Vitani whispered at my side, the cubs cuddling close to her stomach as she sat. I looked down at the five of them, my heart swelling watching Maalum and Kellan nibbling on each other while Imara, Salama, and Adya sat on their bottoms and struggled to suckle on Tani. I chuckled and looked up at her worried look. I nudged her cheek with my nose and licked the tip of her ear.

"I don't either," I admitted and looked over at the pair once again. They sat beside Nala and Simba in the center of us all. "This is the longest Mheetu has gone without speaking. It's concerning." Vitani stifled a laugh and shoved me with her shoulder, startling our cubs.

"I'm sorry, my loves," she cradled with her paw Imara before he fell and rested him back onto the teat he had been suckling on. "We should be going soon. They are exhausted and so am I." I agreed with her and gave her lips a lick which she returned. I shuffled closer to her and payed close attention to what Ni was saying.

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