Chapter 33

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Three months.

That is how long we had been searching for Mheetu and Shanni.

Simba's Pride gave up at the month mark, but not mine, we searched everyday from dawn until dusk. Only stopping to sleep and to eat. Not only did the adults help but the cubs, of course they found it as a game but any help was welcomed. Even if they did have to take naps.

"Nabi?" My ear twitched at the sound of Makuma's voice. I turned my head and gave the sweet cub a smile earning one from him.

"What's up, little buddy?" I asked resting my butt on the hot savanna ground, today seemed to be the start of the dry season and I hoped that where ever Mheetu and Shanni were they had enough water to last them all throughout the next couple of weeks.

"Do you really think we'll find them?" I blinked a few times before lowering my head and nuzzling the quiet cub.

"Of course we will and when we do there will be another cub for you and your siblings to play with." I assured both him and myself. He sighed and cuddled deeper into the side of my face.

"I hope so." This time I sighed and pulled away from the teary eyed cub. I licked his cheek making him giggle slightly.

"Come on, let's go home." I breathed before I grabbed little Makuma by the scruff of the neck and padded us all the way back to our cave. Once we got there I debated whether or not to go back and look some more but when my eyes caught sight of Vitani I knew it would be wrong of me to go back and continue ignoring her. I hadn't been spending much time with her since the disappearance and until now I hadn't realized just how much this was affecting her.

I gently placed Makuma on the ground and he quickly ran over to his siblings who were play fighting with Nafari and Zuri. I smiled before I padded over to Vitani, she had been sleeping in Mheetu and Shanni's place since they left and it breaks my heart every time I see her curled up in a defeated position.

"Babe?" I asked once I reached her. Vitani's ears didn't even twitch when I called her a few more times and even nudged her. I sighed and rested my body in front of her and I cringed at the sight of my beautiful mate with tear stained eyes and dark bags under her eyes signified that she hadn't been sleeping for quite a while.

"Please don't cry anymore." I whispered with my head pressed against the cold ground attempting to catch a glimpse of her beautiful eyes.

"How? I sit in here and every time I remember that they aren't here it's like I'm being punched over and over again." Her voice was hoarse and her eyes filled with tears once more.

"Hey, hey we will find them." I assured finally getting a small glimpse of her eyes and I choked on my own breath. They were red rimmed and swollen and filled with brand new tears seconds from spilling.

"Come here." I whispered after a few seconds of silence. Vitani sniffled and quickly shuffled over to my side, her head instantly fell onto my front paw and she finally allowed herself to give in. She sobbed loudly and her body shook with every in take of air. I felt my own lower lip quiver and I allowed myself to cry as well, I missed them too. I missed my brother's deep voice and Shanni's sass as much as I hated it a few months ago. I wanted them back home where they belonged. I wanted to see Shanni's big stomach and I wanted to hear Mheetu make fun of her for it.

"Tana?" I heard a voice call but I tried my hardest to ignore it. Vitani needed me now more than ever, I couldn't keep pushing her aside. She needed my touch right now and I wasn't just going to abandon her after we finally got to.

"Not now." I whimpered while tightening my touch against her.


"MK, please, I can't right now." I growled finally looking up at the small bat.

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