Chapter 40

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For once, the sun did not awaken me. It didn't disturb my sleep with its bright rays or the intensity of the heat that radiated off of them. This time, it was Kellan's silent whimpers.

My ears flickered towards the sound of his tiny voice. My blood ran cold at the sound. I quickly lifted my head and swiveled around to get a better look at my four sleeping little ones. His body was the easiest to find nestled between Vitani and his siblings. His dark fur standing out even in the barely lit cave. His small frame shook violently, his limbs flailing and his eyes twitching.

I didn't hesitate reaching over to his resting spot between Salama and Maalum and picking him up by the scruff of the neck. Gently, I placed him in front of me. His pale blue eyes were now wide open, staring up at me with terror.

I wasn't the best when it came to comforting. It was Vitani who was the one to console them when they accidentally tripped over themselves or had a nightmare. I sighed and looked over at her. Her body rose and fell with each breath she took. She needed all the rest she could get with her body still recovering from the birth of three of our children. She would never admit it but I see the pain her eyes each time she sits or stands up too quickly. Vitani is a brave lioness and I will cherish and respect that until the day we both take our last breath but I wish she would tell me when she is in pain so I or Rafiki or Jama could help ease it.

I exhale once more and look back down at little Kellan. His eyes were still wide open with his chest rising and falling from the very vivid dream he must have been having.

"It's alright little one," I whispered "it was all just a dream." Kellan sniffled and stood to his small brown feet and waddled over to my chest. I smiled and released a soft purr. We lingered in each other's touch until I heard him yawn a few times. The sleep finally returning. "I won't let the monsters get to you. I promise."

I continued to purr and occasionally give his head soft licks until sleep over took him once again.

"You're good at that," I gasped loudly at the sudden sound of Vitani's voice. I looked down at Kellan to make sure my outburst didn't cause him to wake up. His eyes were still tightly shut with soft snores escaping him. I then turned my head and glared at her. But, the glare wasn't long lasting when I saw her sleep filled eyes looking up at me. Her head gently resting on top of her paws.

"It was nothing," I blushed looking down at Kellan once again. His small head pressed against my chest, his body in a fetal position, his tiny tail tucked underneath him. He looked so at peace.

"It's weird right?" She asked.

"What is?" I looked up to meet her gaze. Her eyes were glossed over like they usually did whenever she mentioned our babies or watched them play.

"Loving something that you barely know. Feeling like they're the only things that truly matter in this world." I chuckled at her words and looked down at the three other cubs we can gratefully call our own. Imara's face squished against Vitani's stomach, Maalum's head resting on top of Imara's back, Salama cuddled close to Maalum's butt. They're our cubs alright.

"I like this feeling though. I feel-"

"Complete?" I looked at her and held the gaze for a few seconds before I extended my neck and gave her lips a soft kiss.

"Exactly," I said as I pulled away from her touch. She sighed and carefully scooted closer to me so that she could rest her head on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry I can't give you more," I pulled away and looked at her inquisitively. She looked embarrassed and hurt now looking down at her paws.

"I love the family we have. I love you and the four little ones we are so lucky to have. Cubs aren't the only thing I want in life. I love you and I want you every minute of the day. You and our little ones will always be enough," I assured her. Vitani sighed and craned her neck for one last kiss before she pressed her head against my shoulder once more.

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