Chapter 36

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 These past three weeks I have noticed how much of a hatred I still had for the sun. It always interrupts my sweet, blissful moments with Vitani. The both of us just laying beside one another enjoying the silence and just how limited those moments are. Since we've consummated our marriage we have become much closer to one another, more mental than physical if I am being completely honest. Sure, I enjoy those moments with her but I love the moments we share when words are exchanged. Even moments like this where we are just laying beside one another, our heartbeats becoming one.

Only for the sun to come up and wake up the rest of our rather...loud Pride Brothers and Sisters.

"Good morning," I whispered with an eye roll. Don't get me wrong. I will always put my Pride before anything but with Vitani and I now wanting to have a cub, it gets rather frustrating just how long we spend the day apart. The routine getting rather repetitive and boring and excruciatingly long. Wake up, greet the Pride, we go hunting with the exception of Shanni or Mheetu to take care of Cecil and Aslan, eat, come home with scraps, sleep, wake up to hunt for lunch, eat, come home with scraps, story time with Shanni, dinner hunt, eat, come home with scraps, sleep, then repeat the whole thing the next day. My brain began to throb at the thought of it.

"A few more minutes please," Vitani's words were slurred and groggy as she turned her head and cuddled into my side. It took everything in me not to rest my head, close my eyes, and spend the day with her. So, to avoid that from happening I licked her head and stood to my feet.

"You can stay with Shanni today." I offered which earned a small nod from her before she released a long sigh and slowly stood to her own lightly colored paws with a yawn. I gave her a small smile and rubbed my forehead against hers.

"I'll make today a bit exciting for you and the Pride," She pulled from my mane and raised a brow, "I promise." I gave her a toothy grin making her roll her eyes and smile.

"Thank you," Her voice was groggy and filled with sleep which wasn't like her. Vitani has always been the first person to wake up and be energy filled.

"You okay?" I asked looking her over for some sign of injury that could have occurred in the night.

"I'm fine, Tana, I'm just tired." She assured me with another smile before she cuddled into my neck and walked over to Shanni, Mheetu, and their two little ones. I felt my lips tug at the corners as little Cecil and Aslan greeted their Aunt Vitani with giggles and licks.

"Good morning, everyone." I chirped as I got closer to them. They all turned their heads and the first to greet me were the twins. Just yesterday they turned a month old and were now able to run and say simple sentences.

"Uncle Tanana!" Aslan yelled at the top of his lungs as he threw himself onto my huge paws and clung on for dear life. Cecil, on the other hand, decided to swipe at my golden brown tail tuft as his own little way of saying hello to me.

"That lisp of his will be the death of us." I joked rubbing my scarred nose against his black one. He giggled excitedly as he let go of my paw and ran towards his older brother Cecil to join him at the fun game of "Capture Uncle Tanana's Tail." I chuckled, swinging my tail back and forth as they giggled and smiled ear to rimmed ear trying to grab at my tail.

"I hope he never grows out of it," Mheetu spoke looking at his little boy's play. Shanni smiled and leaned onto his shoulder.

"So, what's on today's menu?" Shyra spoke as she padded over from her corner of the cave. She decided to leave Tama and Tojo's Pride and join mine and Vitani's. We learned many things about the spunky teen. One of them being that, like her sisters, she's an amazing hunter. This will come in handy with Nuka being gone. After about a week or so of reuniting with Dotty, he decided that they would start their own Pride at the jungle Timon and Pumbaa so cleverly named "Hakuna Matata." It was a sad day to see him leave but it was also a very happy day since it was the beginning of Nuka's life. A life he so rightfully earned.

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