Chapter 11

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The morning sun streams through the limbs of the tree, begging me to wake up and face the day. I don't want to.

I wish to rest today, all day, so I won't have to face reality. But of course once you go to sleep sooner or later you have to wake up.

My eyes flutter open and instantly the suns rays hit my light eyes. I groan placing my large paw over my eyes.

"Tanabi?" I hear someone call, it sounds like a female. Nala?

I remove my paw from my face immediately, open my eyes, and in all her beauty Nala stood in front of me. "Good morning Nala. " She smiles her, blue-green eyes seem to lighten up the room. "Good morning dear, would you mind taking a walk with me? " I look over next to me and notice that Mheetu and Vitani are still fast asleep. "We'll be back before they wake. Come along. " She lightly shoves me as if I were a cub, I get up, and follow her out of the large tree.

I slide down the tree after her and I walk beside her with enough space between us. "What um...what did you want to talk about?" I ask nervously. This is the queen for God's sake! I shouldn't even be breathing air in the same direction as her let alone walking along side her. "Simba wanted to speak to you, but, he's not experienced in speaking to people outside of the pride. So I decided to speak to you. " "Is Simba okay with this? " I ask just to make sure I don't get slaughtered later on today.

She chuckles a sweet chuckle and looks over at me "if it weren't I wouldn't be here now would I? " She arches a brow. "I suppose not. " I look over at her making eye contact. Her blue-green eyes are so familiar.

Everything about her is familiar, her soft voice, the way her shoulders move when she walks, her creme colored fur, the way she looks at me as if I were family and not a rouge.

"I heard that Rafiki is telling you stories of The Great Kings Of The Past. " She admits as we continue to walk across the savannah. "If you aren't okay with it I can tell him not to-" "No it's fine, in fact I wanted to tell you a story. " I furrow my brows at her but I smile, giving her silent permission to proceed with her story.

"It's about Vitani, she doesn't know this but, most of us do. " I look over at her making eye contact "it isn't gossip if that's what you're thinking. It's about her mother. " I nod and she begins to tell me the story about Vitani and her mother.

"Where do I begin? " She pauses for a couple of seconds and then begins again "when Scar was king all he wanted was for his blood line to rule. He wanted a large family, one big enough so no other can rule. Zira gave him a son who they named Nuka, he perished many years ago in attempt to kill Simba. " She stops and looks at my shocked expression. "That's a different story for a different time. "

I nod not wanting to speak "Scar wasn't pleased with the child because he was too weak and clumsy, unfit to become king in his eyes. He tried multiple times to have children with her but she was unable to have anymore children. She was devastated when she found out he was trying to have children with other females. Even myself, I ran away and my mother told me the rest of the story.

"The months and even years passed and none of the lionesses he mated with became pregnant with his children. He was infuriated and later gave up on his attempts. Since the horrid king and miserable queen were too wrapped up in their own world, a lioness in particular became pregnant with a child that wasn't the kings. We kept it a secret because Scar would kill any child that wasn't his, that's why he tried to kill Mheetu. Anyways, the weeks passed and her tummy had grown, we convinced the king that she was just ill causing her stomach to grow the way it did.

"Then one night, she went into labor giving birth to a blonde, blue eyed, freckled, cub. She was named Vera, her mother was thrilled that she had a child of her own. One that didn't have the fate of being killed since she was under the watchful eye of all the lionesses.

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