Chapter 19

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The next couple of days were a blur. Stories came and went as did the familiar loving faces of the pride.

Soon the stories came to an end and I knew enough about Kopa and I was actually thrilled at the fact that he and I are much alike. Mheetu had the brilliant idea to start stories about when we were cubs and he said I'd love to watch the stars and chase after butterflies. I guess maybe there is a possibility that I am Kopa. But what then?

Would Simba believe me?

Would I believe myself?

Probably not.

I shake my head to clear my thoughts and rest it on my paws. Seconds later I felt someone lay next to me.

"Hey. " I smile at the raspiness of her voice and turn to look at her.

"Hi. "

"You okay? You've been lying here all day. " Her violet-blue eyes fill with worry and I can't help but to lift my head and lick her cheek.

"I'm fine Tani. Just thinking. " I assure her and feel her body relax.

"What are you thinking about?" She asks and I can't help but to stare at her only a little longer taking her in. The way her bangs rest on her forehead gives her the sexiest look I've ever seen on a lioness before and her blonde fur makes her eyes look even more vibrant and electric. I love the way her nose is angular and the small freckles that are near it.

"You. " I finally answer after creepily staring at her for five minutes.

She smiles and blushes a soft pink.

"What about me?" She asks looking at the ground.

"Everything." I'm a cheesy bastard.

"Cheeseball." She giggles and shoves me lightly. I chuckle and nuzzle her just for the hell of it. She nuzzles back and I can feel the vibration of her purrs on my neck and it's an odd sensation but it feels amazing.

Yeah, I'm officially a creeper..

"Tanabi?" She asks abruptly stopping her movements and for a moment I'm worried I did something wrong.

"What's wrong?" I ask my voice drenched in worry.

"I have to tell you something." I gulp and feel my body become tense. "It's nothing bad relax." She adds quickly and my body slowly loosens up.

"I want to tell you K-Kopa died." She stutters slightly but looks at me with determination. Her words shock me and I feel guilty, she doesn't have to tell me anything that makes her feel uncomfortable.

"You don't have to tell me anything that makes you feel uncomfortable. I'm sorry if I made you feel that way." She shakes her head from side to side and takes a few steps back so that I can now make eye contact.

"No, I want to tell you. You aren't making me tell you anything, this is my choice." Vitani gives me a hard look and I can't help but lick her nose and her hard glare softens and turns into a grin.

"Okay." I finally say and right when she was going to start the story I see the cubs running our way. Vitani turns her head and looks at the cubs with worry.

"You guys okay?" She asks and I follow after her checking each one to make sure no one is hurt.

"There's a weird scent in the air." Haunani says gasping for air. I furrow my brows and tilt my head.

"What?" I smartly question.

"Smell." Makuma and Muna say in unison and I do as told. I tilt my head back and inhale through my nose. It's another scent, it's not one that I know.

The Lion King IV: Kopa's Story (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now