Chapter 13

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It can't be, he wouldn't hurt me. Would he? I mean I didn't do anything wrong.

"This is all your fault!" He growls and I can't help but jump by the way his voice echos throughout the silent cave.

"How is this my fault? I have done nothing wrong!" I yell only to get my point across.

"Ever since you got here people have died! Timon and Pumbaa are barely ever here because they are terrified of you! You made my mother die of a broken heart and Sarafina's death wasn't even explainable! She was fine a few hours ago and now she's dead as well!" This shocked the hell out of me. How could he possibly blame their death on me?

"So what? I caused these deaths? I was asleep for a fucking month before I heard that Sarabi was dying! It's been two months since I have stepped foot here! How is it possible for me to go around causing horrid deaths to amazing people? I loved them though I barely knew them! I am not a murderer." I saw the last sentence as slowly and as clearly as my deep voice could muster.

"Get out of this cave and these lands before I-"

"Simba." I whip my head around and see Vitani with the same look in her eyes and her claws fully exposed. "Don't touch him." She growls soaking her words with venom.

"Stay out of this Vitani." Kovu interjects standing in front of a scared Kiara and behind an enraged Vitani.

"No. He can't just blame this on him." Her hard look disappears and is replaced with sadness and sorrow.

"He can and he will, he's the king." Kovu says in a stern voice stepping a bit too close for my liking.

"I lost my best friend once, I won't let it happen again." Friend-zoned.

Really Tanabi? With this shit going on you think of being friend-zoned? Stupid hormones.

"Please Simba, you can't blame Little Brah for all of this." Mheetu please don't bother he's going to kick my ass out anyway.

"There isn't any other explanation for all of this. Look at those scars on his flank for God's sake! He probably earned those when he killed some other rogue!" I want to rip his throat out.

Why don't I just do that? Kill him and be Scar part two? I could do it so easily, I'm taller, younger, and stronger. Two moves. The first to pin him down and the second to bite his neck riping his neck open. That's what normal lions do! They kill the king and become the king themselves.

Right when I was going to strike, something comes over me and I can't bring myself to do it.

"You're right." I simply answer, conquered and exhausted of all the accusations and finger pointing. I don't care anymore.

"What?" Simba asks. Obviously he didn't see that coming.

"I was fighting some lion, he scratched me and I killed him." I shrug just so he can kick me out already and I can get out of this place.

"From this day forward you are never to step foot in the PrideLands or to meet with any of the PrideLanders." He looks over at his pride making sure they understand that none of them can see me. It's not like any of them will.

I nod and start to head out hearing whisper and sobs from the large pride. "Tanabi! You can't go! Please! No!" Her shrieks and begging hits me in my core. It hits me directly in the heart, damn it. I can't look back, I can't, I musn't or so help me I'll run into her and never let go of her.

"Tanabi! I love you! Please don't go! I'll convince them! Please, I lost Kopa I can't lose you! I love you!" I can't do this. I have to.

I can't.

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