chapter 7

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They looked at me.

Studied me.

I laid on the floor not wanting to get up and get pinned again.

Vitani and her brother look at each other until he stepped a little too close to me. "Get away from me." He smirked at my word choice and he lifts his large paw and pushes me harshly before I can bite it Vitani comes to my side and helps me up. "Care explaining why you people are hard to understand?" I ask rather annoyed by the fact they wanted to kill me less than a minute ago and now they want to help me. "Ha-ha it's the fact that you don't know what we were trained to do all our lives Tanabi." "Which is?" "To kill." The male answers.

"What makes you think I will believe that?" "I think by the way we knocked you on the floor is enough to answer your question." He answers me. I look over at Vitani and she nods.

This is insane! They must have been raised by some maniac! The way Tani pushed me off was nothing gentle nor feminine may I add.

"What else don't I know?" I ask. "I'm the future queen of the PrideLands." Kiara says. My eyes I swear are seconds from popping out of my skull. "You are the next queen?" She nods.

"Then who's this ass?" I ask she looks over at the male and answers my question. "This is Kovu, the future king. " My jaw falls open and they chuckle at my reaction. "You've got to be kidding me. " "Very stupid reason to be kidding around isn't it?" I look up at the electric blue eyed feline who has a smirk on her face. "And you are?" Kovu asks. "I'm Tanabi. " He raises an eyebrow "you're a rouge aren't you?" "Yeah so?" "It explains why you don't know who we are. " Kiara answers for her mate I'm guessing that's who he is.

"Come. " Kiara's sudden change of heart surprises not only me but everyone in this dark cave. "Why? " "Heh I'm pretty sure you don't want to sleep in a place like this. " I raise an eyebrow and she smiles. I pick myself up and I nod.

We walk to this huge rock and I hesitate, scared that if I say the wrong thing they'll kill me. "You're safe here. " Vitani answers my thoughts as she walks ahead of me. "You coming?" I nod and I step onto the warm, smooth, brown rock. "This is PrideRock. Home of the Pridelanders. " I look at the place she calls home and I'm in awe. It looks over all the land, their kingdom.

"Kiara?" "Daddy. " I turn around and saw her hugging a golden furred, red maned, male. The king I presume. "Who have you brought home this time?" he asks with a chuckle. "Daddy, this is Tanabi. He has nowhere to go, and I thought that maybe-" "A rouge?" "I honestly don't see anything wrong with my being a rogue. " They all turn their attention to me and I raise my head a bit higher. "It means you don't have a pride of your own or a mate. Nor any responsibilities. " I raise an eyebrow at his comment.

"A lion doesn't need a pride neither a mate to be happy in life. Just a shelter and some food if you find any. It helps develop skills and understanding of your surroundings, the way the grass whistles slightly in the breeze, the crunching of the earth when someone steps on it, the way life is. You don't get to experience much of that when you're in a place like this. "

"It's called The Circle Of Life smart ass. " That rude remark came from Kovu who is seconds away from earning another scar. "Alright, alright. Obviously this-young lion is wise beyond his years. How old are you anyways?" The king asks. "I'm 19 sir. " His reddish brown eyes scan my body landing on my eyes then onto my right flank.

Has no one seen three claw marks on a lion before?

"How did you earn that?" He asks "to be quite honest with you...I don't recall. " He smiles a bit, I'm not exactly sure why.

But he did.

"You remind me of someone I once knew ha-ha. Stay here while I rally up the lionesses to greet this young lion. " "My names Tanabi sir. " "Mine is Simba. "

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