Chapter 27

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"No, I love you more." He gushed then licked her cheek, she giggled frantically then repeated the action saying,

"Impossible, I love you more."

"I love you times infinity!" He yelled as he rubbed his face on hers, making sure to get his scent on her in case any male decides they want her all to themselves.

"I love you times infinity and beyond!" She giggled once more and nuzzled into his dark brown mane.

"Ugh, I think I liked them better when they were fighting." I grumbled as I held my paws to my ears in attempt to block them out.

"I think we all did." I heard Vitani and I chuckled as I removed my paws from my ears and licked her freckled muzzle. She purred and moved her head to be under my own as she gave me a small embrace and together we looked on at the revolting couple.

"Uncle Tanabi! Uncle Tanabi!" I heard little Muna shriek as she ran towards me. I smiled and Vitani changed her position so now her head is on my back. Muna jumped up and clung onto my muzzle as she giggled happily.

"Good morning, Muna." I said in a muffled voice.

"Hi." She squeaked as she released me and cuddled into my paws but gagged at the sight of Mheetu and Shanni rubbing noses.

"Why are they doing that?" The innocent cub asked while cocking her head to the side. I chuckled and licked her head once before answering.

"I don't know Squeaker, maybe it's because they love each other." I explained it as best as I could and rested my head near her body, as I felt Vitani's soft breathes on my back where she rests.

"But, you love Vitani and you don't do that." She reasoned looking at me with her deep brown eyes. I gave her a soft smile and rubbed my forehead against hers causing her to yawn.

"There are different ways to show love. I love Vitani yes, but you don't have to show it as elaborately as them. It just depends on the people in the relationship." I said causing her eyes to become droopy and filled with sleep. The sun still isn't up yet, I suppose the love birds in the corner awoke her.

"I love you, Tana." She whispered as she finally fell asleep curled up in my paws.

"I love you too." I said in a hushed tone letting my head fall over her body to give her warmth from the cool morning.

"Tanabi?" I heard Vitani call my name. I flicked my ears towards her voice and hummed the word yes. "Do you really love me as much as you claim you do?" Her question made my mouth open a bit and my head to shoot straight up. Muna stirred slightly so I placed one of my paws closer to her and she smiled in her sleep. I then turned my head to look at her, her violet-blue eyes wide open begging for a response.

"Of course, Vitani. Don't ever think that I love you less than I actually do." I assure her with truth behind every word.

"It's just, you don't show it." She blushed and hid her face with my mane.

"Hey," I whispered "I don't show it because I know it makes you uncomfortable. But, I do love you, dear God I love you so much it gives me chest pains. Please, don't think I don't when in reality I love you more than any lion has ever loved a lioness." Vitani emerged from my mane and looked at me for a long while before a smile spread across her lips.

"You're too kind to me."

"You showed me kindness when nobody else did. You saw me, not an outsider." I explained in a hushed voice. She looked at me for a while until she finally smiled once more and leaned over giving me a quick lick on the cheek.

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