Chapter 1

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The sun rose that day higher than any other day. All the animals gathered around priderock. The child of king Simba and queen Nala has been born. Rafiki came to the very tip with a new born cub and raised it for all the animals to see their future king. All the animals cheered with joy. He took the baby back to the proud parents. He did the ceremonial crowing and put the baby back in the paws of Nala. "Look Simba he looks just like you when you were a cub." "Yea and probably gonna be a lot of trouble." He said with a chuckle.

But little did they know another cub was being born."Mother?" "Not now Nuka. Go and catch a mouse or something." She spat at her eldest son. "Alright mother." He walks out of the den. "Now my little one. When you are older you will be an amazing princess." Zira. Scars insane wife has held a grudge ever since Scar was killed by the hyenas. She thinks Simba killed him. "This will work. I will avenge Scar if its the last thing I do." Zira is a very beautiful lioness and always got her way. She convinced Simba by saying she didn't love Scar so she could remain with them.


Many months pass by and the young prince grows everyday. He resembles his father but he has a brown tuft on his head. "Dad." He yells in the cave and runs toward him. "Can you show me the kingdom today?" "Can you wait till I'm awake." "You are now. Come on dad." He says as be races out of the cave. Simba comes out and tells him all about the circle of life. Of course the young cub is confused but in time he will understand. "Dad can I go play?" "Sure but don't go too far." "Ill be back by sunset!" He races off into the grass field. Trying to catch a butterfly. "Gotcha. Ew." He looks at the dead creature under his paw and licks off the blood. "What are you doing here?" A brown furred cub asks. "Playing. What about you?" "I'm catching mice for my mother." "Aw Nuka your no fun." "I'm older I'm not supposed to be." Them two are friends barely but they talk together and wrestle at times.

"Nuka! Mothers been looking for you." A blonde furred lioness growls as she approaches her big brother. "Tell her I'm playing with Kopa." "Who's Kopa?" "Me." She stares at him. "Oh. Your the prince aren't you?" "Yup. But we can play if you want." He says "sure." She says and goes to a pouncing position and leaps onto her new friend.

They play all day until the sun starts to set. "Hey I gotta go." "Why?" "My moms gonna get worried." "It's okay my mom was gonna come and walk us later. I thin she walk you I mean we live in the same place." "Well....I guess." Then he leaps onto Nuka and they start to wrestle. About 1 hour pasts and Zira arrives. "Hello there little prince." "Oh hello Zira." Kopa says with caution. "My have you grown." "Yes ha." He chuckles "you know. Vitani is your age." "Oh cool. We have been playing all day." "Really?" "Yes mother. Is that okay?" "But of course my darling you and Kopa can be best of friends." "Thank you mother." "What about me?" "Oh Nuka your much too old." "I I don't mind Zira. Me and Nuka can be friends." She glares at him. "As you wish little prince. Now lets go home."

They walk home in silence. "Tell your father about this little adventure and the cubs will see you tomorrow." "Thank you Zira." She walks away into the cave that Scar used to live in. "Bye Kopa. See you tomorrow." Nuka says and scurries off. "Ill see you tomorrow." Vitani says as she walks away. "Good night prince." And she leaves to her cave. "Good night Tani." "KOPA!" Nala yells. "Oh I was so worried where were you?" "I was playing in the tall grass with Nuka and Vitani. Zira walked us didn't think you would get mad." She gabs her cub and licks his face. "Ma your gonna mess up my mane." "What mane?" He pounces on his mother. "Oh Kopa no please." "What's wrong mother?" Simba walks out. "Where have you been?" He explains the same thing and Simba tenses. "With Zira?" "Yes. She said I could play with them tomorrow if I told you." "Ill have a talk with Zira later.But we have to talk to you first." "What is it dad?" "Well. Mommy is gonna have another baby." Kopas eyes widen. "A a baby?" "Yes. So you won't be alone." "Um." "What's wrong?" "Nothing I'm just happy your having a baby."


"Mother did I do good?" "Yes. But you have to be a little be more flirty. If you want to be princess you have to." "Mother I'm trying." "Watch your mouth." And she slapped Vitani across the face but instead hit her head and gave her bangs. Now she will always look like a male. "Mother my fur." "You deserved it. Now go to sleep!" She went to her corner and cried all night.

"Morning!" She woke up to the voice of Kopa. "Good morning." "Woah what up with your fur?" "Does it look bad?" "No it makes you" Her bangs cascaded down to cover her eye. "You have pretty eyes." "Thank you." She now won't have to pretend she like Kopa. She has a crush on him. And Kopa feels the same way.

Little did they know Zira was watching them from afar. "Don't worry Scar sooner or later I will avenge you. Ha ha ha ha ha."

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