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It was the middle of the night when Beomgyu woke up

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It was the middle of the night when Beomgyu woke up. Yeonjun's room, where he had been living for several months, was still pitch black. The quiet breathing of his still sleeping boyfriend filled the room, but it did not calm the dark-haired man as usual. Because Beomgyu also felt this certain kind of loneliness since Kai was no longer here. That's why the 25-year-old got up, continued to the walk-in closet and picked out his favorite sweater, which he slipped over his shirt and continued to the living room without the lights on to turn on the TV.

Since he had a day off tomorrow, it therefore didn't matter if he fell over tired after a few hours and just continued sleeping on the couch.

And even though his sleep had become quieter over the months, watching anime at night still helped him. So he picked out some anime movie on Netflix that he must have seen a few times. Snuggled into his boyfriend's gray hoodie, he sat on the couch with his legs pulled up. He would have preferred to call Kai, but he would surely already be asleep. After all, the sun would rise in two hours and everyone would have to go to work. His friend also had another day of work ahead of him tomorrow, and yet he was standing next to the couch half an hour later.

"Are you doing it again?" asked the raspy, sleepy voice of the older, who had woken up and then realized that his darling was no longer sleeping next to him. It had been immediately clear to him what that meant. He ran his hand through his sticking-out black hair and sighed. "Or still?"

Beomgyu didn't look up, even though it had startled him to hear the voice in the darkness. "I just didn't manage to fall back asleep," the younger man muttered, but then looked up at Yeonjun and frowned. "You should go back to bed or you'll be tired at work."

Shaking his head, the 181-centimeter tall man dropped down next to the black-haired man, then laid his head in the latter's lap and pulled Beomgyu's hand to his base so he could cuddle him. "I can sleep here with you, too," he murmured, closing his tired eyes again. "What are you thinking about?"

Obediently, the younger Choi complied, dragging his fingertips through his raven hair without taking his eyes off the TV. "You're going to get a backache, old man," he joked softly, following the plot of the movie, which was rather sad in nature, and sighing at his friend's question. He didn't even know what to give Yeonjun as an answer, except that he missed Kai. That just not being in the apartment somehow made their home sad. "About all kinds of things," he then finally said, "the things we've been through together."

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