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"Okay boys, I just need to get some quick shopping done then we will go home okay?" I told my little children as they sat in the shopping cart baby seats.

"Okay daddy" Grey smiled at me softly as he sat calmly where I had placed him.

Cruz on the other hand, well you could call him a bit of a cruiser. He was having the time of his life, crawling out of the seat to shake his body side to side.

Cruz always loves to dance.

"Cruz sit down please" I told him, not wanting to ruin his fun but not wanting him to get hurt as he suddenly stood up straight in the cart, making me stop it as he started to jump up and down on the fragile cart bars.

"Jump jump jump!" He smiled at me, going against my words, as he held onto the sides of the cart with his little hands.

I let out a deep breath before i looked towards Cruz and gave him a firm look to show i was being serious. I hated being serious with my children but i was still there parent after all, they had to learn.

"Cruz Xavier Styles, sit down" I was a bit more firm this time, making him stop jumping entirely as he saw the warning look on my face. His smile dropped from his face as his bottom lip quivered.

"Sorry daddy" he whimpered on the brink of tears before he sat down like his brother. I sighed to myself as I leaned down and kissed his head, hating the fact i had made him upset.

I hated what I had to tell them off.

"It's okay buddy, just be a good boy okay?" I told him as I started to push the cart again, into the store this time. He nodded his head in response as he blinked his little tears away and let out a small sniffle.

Out of the twins, Cruz was quite fragile.

I had only come to get some little bits in the store today. Normally I wouldn't bring the children with me seeing as they tend to get bored and misbehave but I didn't have anyone to look after them today, so they had to come with me.

Luckily for them, I didn't have to go to the hospital today either so it was more of a bonding day. I mostly used that as an excuse to spend time with them.

I hummed to myself as I pushed the cart up the isles. Some women walked past me staring at me as a single dad. I walked straight past them, not even sparing them a glance. I didn't know why they always did that, it was kind of weird. It was like they had never seen a dad out with his sons before.

I fished my shopping list out from my cardigan pocket as I read what things I had to get today. I know I didn't have to get a lot, but I some memory loss sometimes.

"Daddy! Dinosaur!" Grey suddenly called out, making me lift my head from my list to look at where his little hand was pointing.

When I turned I saw the kids toy isle, on the top of the shelf was a massive green dinosaur that looked rather scary to be honest. Grey didn't seem to find it scary at all as he laughed at it, telling his brother to go look.

I already knew what was coming before it even happened.

I laughed quietly to myself at Cruz's reaction a little bit as I watched his eyes water a little bit in fear.

Told you he is fragile.

Yeah Grey and Cruz were completely different people.

"It's okay little one, it won't hurt you" I re-assured Cruz as a tiny tear ran down his chubby cheek. I moved my glasses up my nose as they started to fall before i wiped his tears away.  Making sure i was fast with my movements, I quickly turned the cart away and walked towards one of the isles I actually needed to go so that I could stop Cruz from being scared.

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