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Today you could say that the boys woke up with lots of energy.

I was awaken at 9am on the dot to screaming and jumping on my bed. That's not normally how my mornings go. The sounds of little giggles and repeats of the same phrase over and over again.

"Dance Dance Dance!!" The boys are shouting with squeals of excitement, there little hands slapping at my naked chest as I groan into the pillow with fustration.

It was too early for me.

This was now the new way that I had been woken up all week. Ever since Cora's first class they haven't stopped mentioning dance. They are always dancing around the kitchen and even when im at the hospital, Laura says they never seem to stop dancing. They had found a new love for music too, that included me singing them to sleep now every single night.

I cant lie and say that i hated it though.

I always said to Chloe i wanted to sing to the boys. She loved the idea and i used to sing to them when they were babies. Chloe would hold one of the twins and i would have another as we lay on our double bed. There little heads were always smushed against our chests and there bodies in little hurdles as they fell asleep.

They were so tiny and it pained me that they would be three in a few months. I just wish Chloe was still here to see how much they've grown. She loved to see them turn three.

All though this week, I won't lie, they were really starting to annoy me and they don't normally do that.

I was in a new full time stress mode from the work at the hospital and it wasnt great. When i went in two days later after Holly had gone for her lung surgery, they wouldnt even tell me if she was alive or not. They said the same phrase over and over again that it was starting to get very agrivating.

"That is medical information, we cannot expose that with you Mr Styles"

Thats what they said every single time i asked them this week. It was starting to stress me out not knowing if Holly was alive or not. I just wanted to know if her surgery went well, i will be heartbroken if it didnt.

So i have been distracting myself all week at home with the boys. We have watched countless films, eaten snacks, baked snacks even, played with cars, played dress up in my wardrobe and even watched old videos of Chloe.

I always loved showing the boys the videos. I did find myself crying everytime which Grey always responded with "Why daddy crying?" I made a note not to cry in front of them a lot so they wouldnt ask questions and worry.

I cried when i had free alone time now.

Today i had to drop the boys off for dance and even though it was 9am, the class didnt start till three. I still had some things to do.

In a moment of weakness last night, i decided to sign myself up for a parent and me group. It was for single parents, fathers and mothers and it was just a way for us to have fun with our children, as well as talking about our own feelings.

In all serious, im a bit nervous. I dont do well talking to other people about Chloe. Chloe was always good at it but i always get snappy when her name is brought up.

Well not with everyone.

When i saw Cora in the supermarket and she made the small comment towards Chloe, i didnt feel any need to snap at her. It was almost like i liked hearing her ask the question, i liked hearing it come from her mouth only.

Its an odd feeling really.

Speaking of Cora, when i drop the boys off at a dance class later, i think im going to ask Cora to come to the parent and me thing with me. Shes a single parent like me and i think it would be great for her to tag along as my friend. Maybe it would make me less nervous seeing her there, even though i hardly knew her.

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