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Today, i woke up feeling more anxious than i have ever felt in my entire life.

I felt sick to my stomach and i was running on an hour of sleep. I didnt want to get up today but Harry told me he had a surprise for me so i had to get up. Like most things that were coming, i didnt have a choice.

The trial was tommorow.

The thought of it being so close makes me feel sick, it wasnt even midday yet and Jodie had called Harry lots of times, asking how i was and if i needed anything.

It was very nice of her and made me smile on the day full of way too many emotions to even comprehend or control.

As soon as i was up, i wasted no second going to get Orla. Harry didnt question it either, he just let me go while he took the twins downstairs.

I sniffled a little when i turned her bedroom light on, seeing her standing so happy in her cot as she beamed at me, reaching her arms out for me. I couldnt help the heart ache that rised at the thought of this possibly being the last time.

She had no idea what tommorow might mean for us as a family.

I walked to her, lifting her from her cot as i held her to my chest, crying silently so Harry couldnt hear me.

He had already done so much for me and the trial hadnt even started, i owed him everything already.

I held Orla for a bit, a sob breaking through as i hold her to my chest. I took in her scent, how warm her little body was and how she was just so perfect all together. I took in how beautiful her smile was and how i was so lucky to have the time with her that i did.

My little golden princess.

I didnt know how this trial was going to go and i hated it. I always hated when i didnt know things and this felt like one of the biggest things i should be anxious for in my entire life.

I could loose one of the best things that has ever happened to me.

I had already packed Orla a little bag just incase, it pained me to pack and Harry had to help me, even though i didnt want to pack.

Neither of us did, we didnt want her to be taken away from us and her little family. We had too though, Jodie said something about how Orla might be taken away when the trial starts so its not unfair that im looking after her while we are in a custody trial.

Jodie told me she would go to a foster home for the time she was gone, she said she hadnt met them but she hoped that they were caring and nice, just what Orla deserved.

Harry argued that Orla should be at home with her family, that is what she deserves.

Im not sure what i will do if i loose Orla to Theo, it might break me and i know she wouldnt be happy there. I would rather her be with a foster family than to ever be with that monster.

Orla clings to me all morning, i dont bother to move her. Its like she slowly discovers what is happening. I dont really talk when i go downstairs, Harry tries to make small conversation as we eat some breakfast but he knows there is no point.

It breaks my heart to see his sad face but it was like i physically couldnt speak. Nothing came out when i tried, i felt muted and i hated it.

The twins ask if they can play with Orla, i go to say no at first, knowing i want her with me all day. But they are also her family too, they need time with her before she goes too.

I nod my head hesitantly, Harry putting his hand on my shoulder as i place her down with the twins. They are showing Orla all of there toys immediatley and she smiles and claps her hands. She acts as if she has never seen the toys before.

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