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im listening to my Harrys House vinyl while writing this so im trying to keep my composture...

I DONT KNOW ABOUT YOUUU BUT IM FEELING 22....sorry had to do it.



The last two weeks have been very intresting you could say. The days have felt like hours and the hours like seconds. So much has happened over the past two weeks im not even sure if my mind can comprimend whats happened.

Since Brighton, things have changed for me and Cora. It was like as soon as we got out of Brighton, everything changed. It was like a switch that had been flipped and everything with me and Cora was back to how it was before.

It was like we were both ignoring the feelings that we had around eachother and pretending that our kiss in the ocean never happened.

Its a rollercoaster full of emotions really.

We havent kissed since Brighton, we smile to eachother when we see eachother still,  but the vibe has changed.

It was a confusing feeling but i couldnt really decifer what was going on. I never really knew what to do in this situation, i had never felt this way towards someone since i met Chloe. I wasnt very smart when it came to this and im not even sure what im doing.

I never thought i would be in a position like this, i didnt think i would like anyone ever again after Chloe. I thought that love was broken, it hurt you and thats all it was there for. It was as useless feeling that caused nothing but a deep hole in your chest.

But no matter how much i believed that, my heart couldnt stop racing around Cora.

I decided i wasnt going to push it, when Cora wants to talk we can. We can figure something out when she is ready, i dont want things to go back to how they were.

Besides with what had happened with me and Cora, that was the last of Cora's worries right now.

During our two weeks, Cora got her letter from the lawyers and the court. She was schechueled to go to court in two months and we found it ridiclous that it was so fast.

She should have had more time to find a lawyer and but Theo's lawyer was very pushy when he was on the phone to Cora.

He shouldnt even have been aloud to call her but he did anyway. Theo had changed his number, now Cora had it but after her call with the lawyer, she blocked it straight away.

It got to the point on the call where Cora was crying, i had to take the phone and end the call before falling to the floor with her.

Cora cried when the letter came, for nearly 6 hours. She didnt stop and Cora's family had came home as soon as they had heard the news. They were all temporarily staying in my house, i had some guest rooms left and Cora's nieces did have to sleep in the same room as Lia and Jamie.

No one cared about living conditions though, they all cared about looking after Cora and even though the case wasnt starting for another two months, they wanted to stay with her for maybe another week just so they could be there for her.

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