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JULY 25TH 2022.


This will change everything.

That thought has my insides twisting with sickness like it always does.

It might be the most nervous i have felt in a while and i have felt the feeling of nerves a lot in my life, especially in the past year.

Waking up this morning i could feel my heart already racing with excitement but more nerves.

I have had this planned for weeks. The day is scheldued and organised just so it can as perfect as i want it too be.

Even though i've planned it so perfectly, i still feel nervous. I want everything to be perfect for her.

I might also be feeling nervous because Cora is now nearly nine months pregnant which means the baby could come any day now as she is very close to her due date. I dont want to waste a moment.

I want us to be together now and i cant wait any longer for this. This is something i have wanted since i asked her to be my girlfriend in disney land last year.

Its something i know im my heart that i have wanted for a while, even if i didnt realise it.

We had already had our one year anniversary since we met and i want too add a new anniversary to the calender.

The day we got engaged.

Today, is the day that i am going to propose.


Watching Harry over the past nine months has been one of the greatest pleasures anyone can ever be gifted in their lifetime. Its like watching a perfect movie over and over again every single day. Its like a beat drop in a song but it just keeps going. It feels like living.

From the moment i told him i was pregnant, he has smiled every single day.

He hasnt had one single day where his dimpled smile has been knocked from his face.

Watching him take care of me and the baby and watching him try to interact with our baby is one of the cutest and hottest things i have ever seen in my life.

Just when i think i couldnt fall in love with him more, i do.

Its unconditonal love.

Harry is so nervous, i can tell, but so am i.

This is our first time being actual parents with eachother with a baby who will be biologically ours. I know we will be fine, Harry is a wonderful father to the kids so he has nothing to be worried about.

Anyday now i could push a baby out of my body, again.

And that is a frightening thought that keeps me up some nights. That and the sleeping problems.

But i try not to think about it as i go through the past nine months of my life with this pregnancy. I try to only see the positive side, which the majority of it has been anyway.

I am bringing a new life into this world.

This has been one of the most loving and caring pregnancys i have ever had. This expierence has been way easier than it was with Orla. Theo never cared as much as Harry does and i pretty much did everything alone.

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