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Holding Orla in my arms is always a blessing.

From the moment i first held her in my arms and to everyday that i do in the future, it was always going to be a blessing.

She was a miracle.

How small her little fingers are as they hold onto my pinky. How she snuggles right into my arms to keep warm. The way she looks at up at me with big blue eyes and her long eyelashes.

Orla was my little blessing.

It was moments like these that made me realise that everything was going to be okay. I was doing every single thing i could and thats all Orla would ever want. She would remember me as the mother who stuck around, who held her hand in the darkness and showed her the real beauty of the world. The mother who no matter how alone she was, never made her daughter feel alone.

That was the kind of mother i wanted to be and that was the kind of mother i wanted Orla to think i was. I dont want to be a bad mum.

"You were thirsty huh?" I laugh as i hold Orla in my arms, the summer golden sun shining down as i sit on the couch.

Her little hands sit either side of the bottle as she blinks up at me. Her mobile skills were becoming very good for only three months old. She looked like a little person now.

The sun bathes both of us in its warm light as the television plays softly in the background. It was the perfect place to be and i felt like i wanted to stay here forever.

But life goes on.

No matter how much you wish you could just stop and take a minuite, life never stops. We had plans today anyway.

Today we were going for a picnic in the local park with my parents, my sister and her little family too. The park was hosting a fundraiser for a local charity and they had entertaiment and fun activites to do. I knew there was a singing act too, Orla hadnt ever been to something like that so i thought it would be nice to take her. Plus i hadnt seen my sister since a week after Theo left.

She was by my side, holding me in her arms as i cried and reasuring me everything would be okay. She never left me alone in the house and that was something i could never repay her for.

The one thing my sister kept telling me was that i wasnt alone. She said i had her, my entire family and i had my own daughter. No matter what happens in the future, that would never change. She was like my daily reminder that everything was going to be okay.

I started to get back out with my family again after Theo left. I had been so distanced due to the fact i was always busy with work and so was Theo.

And that was the biggest mistake i had ever made.

I missed my family more than anything and i loved that Orla was always with them.

"Are you ready to go see your family little one?" I placed her on my shoulder as i burped her. When she had finally burped everything up, she lifted her head back by herself and smiled at me with her toothless but gorgeous smile.

"Yes you are" I held her on my hip as i tickled her stomach, her little baby laughter filled the room with a warm feeling and it was all i needed to hear for the rest of my life.

I quickly packed a baby bag and put Orla in her pram before i made my way out of the door. The park was only a little walk away and it was nice to be in the fresh breeze.

The streets of London were not too crowded this morning which i loved. Today was sunny and i felt carefree.

I had put Orla in a little white jumpsuit with some small shoes and a white matching hat. I might be biased but she looked like the cutest baby i had ever seen.

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