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Sometimes in life, we do things without even thinking. Its just what we call being natural as humans and our natural instinct. We dont know why we do these things but we do. Its like our mind and body agree and decide to over rule any other ideas your battling against.

Its like a thrill, adrenaline and your body reacts in the most captivating way. You stuck in the trance of tranquility and admiration of the person or thing your battling towards.

Its just go go go.

Your instinct, its like a race. It races against your actual thoughts and what you should actually do, winning the race by miles.

Normally, i would be ashamed of the things i do at instinct. Like for example when Orla was just born, she was sick as a baby and had some troubles. Theo me and orla were at the park one day, Orla had heart scanners on her chest with a little machine so we could report to the doctor if her heart raised. A woman approached us and pulled the most discusted face at Orla and called her "ugly"

She was the ugly one when i was finished with her.

Theo held Orla in his arms while i launched at the woman, throwing a punch around her face. Theo had to put Orla into the pram to pull me away from her, even when i resisted.

After that day, i knew my instinct to Orla would never be something i was ashamed off, and i had never did something that i wasnt ashamed of since that day.

Until now.

I kissed Harry.

That didnt feel wrong. It felt like the thing in the world that was the most right. I was stupid to ignore the way my heart fluttered when he was near or to ignore the way butterflies appeared in my stomach whenever he called me buttercup.

The kiss felt just as magical as it did in Brighton and i have no shame towards it.

This was how it was meant to be.

Cora and Harry.

That was the one thing i was most certain on in my life.

Since that kiss a week ago, life has been different. Me and Harry have changed to exactly what we were like in Brighton.

We had continued to develop our relationship more and more over the last week. We have continued to kiss, hug and have fun days out.

Some days have been worse for me though.

Ever since that session with Jodie, i had became very anxious. Besides the nightmares at night, i had developed panic attacks in the day and sometimes even flashbacks whenever i was in the car. I had got myself a therapist and this was already this was my third session this week.

Like i said, some days have been worse than others.

The trial was next week and i couldnt be more anxious this week than ever. Today i was doing a therapy session with Heather my therapist and then we were going for a fun day out.

Harry is currently outside in the car with the kids, waiting for me inside here.

He had been so good to me and i didnt deserve it. He was an angel for this world and i was not good enough for him.

"So Cora, shall we pick up where we left off last time?" Heather says to me, her voice soft and understanding like it always is.

Heather has short brown hair and is in her mid thirties, she is very good at her job and very good at understanding what your going through and helping you through it.

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