Chapter 21 |Bell Test|

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~Walking to the Training ground~

Normal pov.

I started humming while I walked to meet up with my dysfunctional team.

"Hime-sama!" I heard ahead of me.

"Mmh?" I questioned, walking towards the voice.

It was the Ice Cream man.

"Would you like some ice cream, I know vanilla is your favorite." he said scooping me a cone.

"Sure." I said reaching for my wallet and gave him 100 Ryo.

"Thank you Hime-sama, it's an honor to take this." he said giving me my cone.

"Well its an honor of taking this delicious ice cream cone." I said licking my cone and walking away.

"Have a great day Hime-sama.." I heard him say.

"You too!" I yelled back.

*Enough distractions Kumi-chan, you need to meet with your team, and your father is still not there.* Ser-chan scolded me.

*Alright, alright, I couldn't resist eating an ice cream cone

.* I said back.


~Near the training ground~

~1:57 p.m~

I took the last bite of my cone while I walked up to Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke.


"MIKO-SENPAI!!" Naruto and Sakura yelled at me.

"You know how long we have been waiting here?!?!" Naruto shouted.

"Calm your butt." I said waving my hand off at them.

"Last night I had a hospital shift and didn't get home until 3 a.m."

"I slept until 12 then my other team woke me up to join them in lunch."

"I did, but left early for the survival test, even though I will be only observing you while you take the test." I said lazily, making a pillar of rock and sat on top of it by manipulating the ground.

"WOAH! How did you do that!?!?!"

"You didn't even use a justu?!?!" Naruto exclaimed pointing at me.

"I can manipulate elements, plus I have all of the elements, so I can do any justu involving any element." I said crossing my legs, resting my elbow on my knee with my head on the palm of my hand.


"Hello." Dad greeted coming out of the smoke.


"KAKASHI SENSEI!!" again Naruto and Sakura yelled but at Dad.

"..Do you really need to yell.." I mumbled irritated at their loudness.

"..Tell me about it.." I heard Sasgay mumble.

"Oh am I?" Dad questioned, acting suprise.

"I saw a black cat run across my way while I was coming over here."

"So, I took the long way." Dad said.

"Miko-Senpai's excuse was better Kakashi-sensei!!" Naruto shouted pointing his index finger at him.

"At least my excuse was real Kashi." I said bored.

"Hey Angel." Dad said looking up at where I was and waved.

Sasuke has a Sister!?! and She's a Goddess!?! [SLOW EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now