Chapter 33 |Confessions cont.|

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Kakashi's Pov.

~In the hospital.~

It's been a day since the second part of the exams.

I left a note for Sasuke to meet me on the mountain to train for the exams.

He was still sleeping so I left his room.

While I'm here, might as well check on Brenda.

I walked a few more doors down and reached Brenda's room.

I looked through the window pane and saw Akira and Shikamaru and each side of Brenda's side.

I silently chuckled and opened the door slowly.

I closed the door and walked over to Brenda on Akira's side and gently touched Brenda's cheek.

She looks so peaceful.

I moved my hand on the bandages on her head.

I frowned.

He did this to my angel.....


*I had my Chidori in my hand ready to strike the Sanin.

"If you come any closer, I am not afraid to sacrifice myself for him and my daughter." I said coldly.

"My, my Kakashi-kun."

"You've grown."

"But are you sure you can take me."

"Do you know the ssssssacrifice you are willing to take for the boy?"

"And how bout your daughter? mhmhmmhmh?" he asked evilly laughing.

"I am his mentor, and she is my daughter."

"I'll protect them with my life." I said, not thinking what I am saying.

He chuckled.

"You can't stop him with that weak seal."

"He'll come for me, seeking power, the power to kill his older brother."

"And Brenda-Hime will follow."

"Maybe Akira-kun will never know....."

"I've got to go now Kakashi-kun.......bye." he said laughing, leaving the room.

I stopped my chidori and sighed.

I looked back at the unconscious Sasuke.

"Hmph, what am I thinking?"

"I was going to give my life away, without hesitation."

"I can't do that, when Brenda needs me most."

"Will Sasuke go that far to kill his brother? And will Brenda follow him?" I thought out out loud to myself.

I shook my head.

I guess it's time to bring Sasuke to the hospital.

I picked him up and flickered to the hospital.*

I brought my hand back into my pocket and walked over to the end of the bed.

I looked over to Shikamaru and saw his hand intertwined with Brenda's.

Sasuke has a Sister!?! and She's a Goddess!?! [SLOW EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now