Chapter 31 |Pedo Man Stap It|

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Normal POV.

*swish* is what I heard from every branch I passed.

I was as fast as a tiger.

I stopped on a branch searching for the Sasuke's chakra.

"..AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH..." I heard in the distance.

I sprinted towards the scream.

"..Get away from me!.." I heard Sasuke shouted cowardly scooting away from pedo man.

As Snake pedo's long neck was about to reach Sasuke, I activated my transparent fairy wings.

Flew over to Sasuke, did a 360 turn and kicked Orochimaru in the face before he bit Sasuke.

I got into a fighting stance.

"Get the fudge away from the Duckbutt." I sneered coldly.

I could feel Sasuke and Sakura shiver in fear.


"EVEN SASUKE-KUN, OR NARUTO COULDN'T DEFEAT HIM!" Sakura shouted at me shaking.

I looked over at her and saw Naruto stuck on a tree unconscious. Sakura fearing for her life trying to get Naruto down.

"Brenda-hime, sssssso niceee of you to join usssss." Orochimaru said, more like hissed, as I looked back at him getting a kunai out.

I looked at his burned off face in disgust.

I heard Sasuke stand back up, trying to get in front of me.

"B get out of here, I got this." Sasuke ordered shakily but I could tell he was running low of chakra.

"You got this my arse."

"Now you guys get out of here before I make things ugly." I ordered pushing Sasuke behind me.


"Enough talk, your finally mine." Orochimaru interrupted Sasuke, extending his abnormally long neck again, at me.

"NO!" Sasuke shouted pushing me off the branch and getting bit instead.

"YOU IDIOT, I'M TRYING TO PROTECT YOU!!" I shouted at him, catching a branch as Orochimaru backed up. Sasuke screamed in pain, collapsing.

I flipped back to where Sasuke was.

"B-B-Baka, I'm suppose to be protecting you, not the other way around." Sasuke stuttered out fainting in pain.

I beg to differ.

I stood up, pissed.

"Sakura, get Naruto and Sasuke out of here." I ordered her.

"B-but what about you Bre-Senpai?" She questioned getting Sasuke and Naruto.

"I'LL BE FINE! NOW GO!!" I shouted, glaring her my Sharingan.

She backed up in fear and fled, saying to be careful.

I sighed as she left.

"I'm surprised you didn't fight back while I was talking, you pedo." I said to Orochimaru, raising an eyebrow.

He evilly chuckled.

"So much power."

"And a senpai already?" He questioned.

"THE POWER WILL BE MINE!!" he yelled, charging at me.

I dodged it and did a backflip, simultaneously doing handsigns.

Sasuke has a Sister!?! and She's a Goddess!?! [SLOW EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now