Chapter 35 |Training help..kinda|

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Pic is nurse uniforms, imagine the Red Cross on the side of it.
Normal Pov.


It's the next day at 7:00 in the morning and I'm wide awake.

It doesn't help that I slept the whole time yesterday after I ate.

I sat up from my bed looking out the window at the beautiful light sky.




I straighten up.

"Come in." I called out.

The door opened and revealed Amaya.

"Morning Brenda." she greeted, coming in with pancakes and a glass of orange juice.

"Morning." I said as she placed the tray of food in front of me.

"Here is your breakfast that Akira said to give you, there is a note for you too." she said as I picked up the note.

~Morning Sis,
I know how you hate hospital food, so I made you some pancakes with some orange juice to start your day. Even though I imagine you are going to be stuck in that room for a while. you should ask Amaya-San to let you get some air once an a while. I have to go train Shino now, seeya soon. :)

I smiled at his note.

"What did he say?" She asked checking my monitor.

"That he knows that I hate hospital food so he made this, and wants you to let me have some fresh air once an a while, and he'll see me soon." I said grabbing the fork and digging into my pancake.

"Lucky you do get to have some fresh air." she said taking a pancake and eating it.

"Can I watch Shika train today?" I asked.

"Sure, you can go when he comes in, which should be soon." Amaya said looking at the clock.

And there you have it, Amaya was right.

Shika, Asuma and Choji came right in when she said that.

"Speaking of the devil, I'll get you something to wear, hello boys." she said greeting them and walking out of the room.

"Hey guys." I said still eating my pancake.



"Hey." they greeted.

Shika came over to me and pecked my cheek. Making me blush of course.

"What were you guys talking about?" Asuma asked sitting on the right of me, Shika say on the end of my bed and Choji sat on my left.

"Oh, Amaya is allowing me to get some fresh air today and letting me watch you guys train." I said drinking my glass of orange juice.

"Really?" Shika questioned.

I nodded.

"She went to go get me something to change since I'm wearing a gown that shows my buttocks when I stand up and I have to constantly pull it down." I said.

Asuma laughed while Shika blushed a little.

I looked over to Choji and saw him eye balling my leftover pancakes.

"Munchie?" I said getting his attention.

"Mh?" He said drooling over the pancakes.

"Do you want the rest of my pancakes?" I asked.

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