Chapter 61 |Three More Years|

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~Weeks later~

Normal Pov.

"....So, Akira..."

"How's getting info on the snake pedo?" I asked swinging my feet back and forth as we watched Sasuke train with The Oreo.

We were sitting on top of the trees, a good distance away from them.

"Mehh, every time I get good info, Kabuto pops out of nowhere." Akira huffed out, slouching.

"Four eyes, gotta ruin it all." I laughed.

"..What do I ruin?.."

I jumped up, freaking out. Slipping off the tree, about to grab the branch when Kabuto grabbed my hand instead.

Bastard. Hiding his chakra.

*Language, Bre-chan.*

"Careful." He warned as he pulled me up.

"Whatcha want?" I asked, slapping his hand off of me.

"Hurtful." Kabuto said, rubbing his hand. Looking at me, hurt. Making me roll my eyes.

"Anyway, Orochimaru-sama wants to see you guys." Kabuto said jumping down.

Akira jumped down next, putting his arms out for me to jump in his arms.

Me being a rebel. I stood up, walked backwards to the tree to get momentum and sprinted. Jumping in the air, doing a swan dive then a front flip.

"WAAA?!, Brenda?!?!" Akira exclaimed. Flailing his arm, trying to catch me.

I bent my knees, and landed swiftly on the ground.

"Brenda, don't do that." Akira said in between breaths.

"Relax." I said rolling my eyes, nudging him. Walking over to Sasuke with Akira right behind me.

"Akira-kun, Bre-Chan." Orochimaru greeted us.

"Hello Sir Oreo-Pedo." I saluted, earning me a bonk in the head from Akira and a chuckle from Orochimaru.

"What do you need?" Akira questioned.

"You guyssss may be good company. But you're distracting Ssssasuke-kun in his training." Orochimaru said in a matter of fact tone.

"They are not-"

"So what are you saying?" Akira said narrowing his eyes at the snake, pulling me closer and interrupting Sasuke.

"Because I don't want you guyssss to get out of sssshape. I think the Akatsuki will certainly keep you busy, while Sssasuke-kun is training. Better than sssitting in the trees all day." Orochimaru suggested, smiling like a creepo that he is.

I shrugged.

"Why not, better than sitting around and doing nothing." I said walking over to Sasuke and rested my arm on his shoulder.

"But-" Sasuke started.

"Then it's sssettled. Come back every now and then ssso we know you didn't die. You leave in ten." Orochimaru said, walking in the base with Kabuto.

Sasuke has a Sister!?! and She's a Goddess!?! [SLOW EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now