Ten Questions About Author-chan

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I was tagged to do ten questions about moi by the lovely happyaspie. I decided to post them here instead of making another book cause I am too lazy. XD if you want to know anything else related to the book or more about me (Because I'm fabulous) comment hereeee and I'll make an Q and A in the near future.


1) When is your birthday?

If you didn't read my bio, shame on you. Just kidding. My birthday is August 1st, I am 15 years old.

2) Who is your Best Friend?

I have a lot of best friends but my first and bestest friend ever since I moved to a different state would be my friend Sydney, not saying last name. You don't need to know that you stalkers.

3) What's my Name?

My name....my name is........Esteban Julio Ricardo Montoya De La Rosa Ramirez...... XD I kid I kid. My real name Is Brenda. Ironic I made my OC meh. To be real with you my OC does mostly resemble, personality wise, a lot like me.

4) Who is your guy best friend?

Most of my friends are girls soooooooo, I'm not sure but if I have to choose it will be hmmmmmmmmmmm yeah I can't think of any. Sorrys.

5) What was the last song you were listening to?

Last song would be a cover of Catching My Breath By Kelly Clarkson but who was singing was Alex Goot and Against the Current.

Here is the link:

6) Who is your anime crush?

That's too hard to choose. Why you do this to mehhhhh!! Ummmmmm Itachi Uchiha.

7) What's your height?

Why do you need to know my height. It's not like you are going to see me in person, I'm a potato and a potato likes to stay hidden. Nonetheless I'll answer, I am 5'3. I am actually 5'2 and a 1/2 but my doctor decided to say "Hey let's make you 5'3", so I'm 5'3 now. XD

8) When was the last time you laughed?

The last time I laughed was last night when I was doing the chicken dance in my living room to a random song and I realized my mom was looking at me crazily from the kitchen and I cracked up and continued doing the chicken dance.

9) Have you ever been bullied before?

Not really, I not on anyone's bad side so eh. Also from my friends I am apparently the innocent, kind, nice friend. Oooooh they haven't seen me watch all those animes I've watched or the fanfic I've read. I'm not that innocent. XP.

10) What's your Favorite anime besides Naruto?

I would say I really like Attack on Titan and Fairy Tail.


If you've made it this far reading this, Congrats you know me a little more. I would love to get to know my readers out there so why not comment some small details about you. You don't have to of course but I want to get to know you guys.

That's all, I will be posting a chapter after this, I'm still in the edit of it so hold tight.


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