Chapter 28 |Heading to the Forest of Death|

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4:00 a.m.

Akira's pov.


I sat up from my bed and looked around.

My walls were the Uchiha's clan colors blue, red,and white. I had old photos of my family and new photos with Brenda, Jiraya, auntie Tsunade, and other people I have met.

I can't thank you enough for this Sarutobi-Jī....

I looked at my alarm clock.

It was 4 o'clock.

Still early.

I got out of bed, grabbed my anbu uniform and headed to my bathroom to shower.

~Few minutes later~

I finished my shower did my normal morning routine, grabbed my protector, Holster, gloves, swords and headed to the kitchen to cook waffles.

~One hour later~

I had just finished making enough waffles for Sasuke, Brenda, and I.

"Morning Kira." I heard Sasuke say as I set the table.

"Morning Sasuke, and you didn't call me senpai?" I questioned as I sat down and ate.

"Don't need to, remember I think of you as a b-brother, it'll be weird to call you and Brenda senpai." Sasuke said as he is eating his waffles making a face when he said "senpai".

I chuckled.

"Of course." I said sarcastically agreeing.

"Did Kakashi tell your team where to go for the second part of the Chūnin exams?" I asked finishing my first waffle.

"Yea.." Sasuke mumbled shoving another waffle in his mouth.

"You know Sasuke, you act like somewhat of like a different person." I said putting my fork down.


"Everyone is annoying." he said huffing.

I rolled my eyes.

"What happened to the happy Sasuke that I knew?" I asked raising my eye brow.


I rolled my eyes.

"So.....Kira......" Sasuke said drifting off.

"Mmh?" I questioned.

"Are you really going to follow Brenda when she comes with me?" He asked quietly.

I sadly smiled at him.

"You're not going to change your mind are ya?" I asked.

He gave me a serious look.

"No." he said finishing his waffles, grabbing his empty plate and putting it in the sink and washing it.

I sighed.

"Yea, I am Sasuke."

"Where ever Brenda goes I go."

"I promised to protect her." I said.

He finished washing his plate and nodded.

"Alright then, it's settled." I said sitting up and putting my plate in the sink washing it and putting it away.


I rolled my my eyes at him.

"I'm going to go ahead and check in with Anko, wake up Brenda when you are going to leave in 30 minutes, Kay?" I asked Sasuke.

"Okay." he said.

I waved bye to him and teleported away.


Normal pov.

"..Hey, nee-chan.."


"..Wake up....." I heard as someone was shaking me to wake up.

I sat up rubbing my eyes.

"Huh?" I said confused and groggy.

I blinked a couple times and saw Sasuke holding a tray full of food.

"Morning B, Akira made I thought I would bring it up to you." Sasuke said embarrassed, putting the tray in front of me.

I looked at him and smiled.

"Thank you Sasuy." I thanked as I gobbled down on these delicious waffles, yum.

He sat down on the bed next to me and looked around my room observing it.

My walls were teal and white, my queen size bed was a teal and white color as well, with a few red dots on them. On my walls were tons of photos I've took in the past, every memory I've had I took a photo and placed it on my wall.

"Nice room.." Sasuke said as he stops looking around and looks at me.

"Why thank you." I said as I finished my last waffle putting my fork down and drinking the glass of juice.

He smiled at me.

I put the glass down and smiled back.

I put the tray to the cupboard near my bed and scooted closer hugging him.

He hugged back.

I let go and sat up.

"Oh hurry up and get ready, we have to be at the training ground in 10 minutes." Sasuke said as he stood up taking the tray, leaving my room, giving me privacy.

"Okiee." I said doing my morning routine.


I changed into my Anbu uniform, got my twin swords on my belt, my protector on my forehead, pouch on my waist , holster on my left leg, gloves and bracelet on and headed downstairs.

Sasuke was leaning on the stair rails, waiting for me.


"At least you don't take forever like some girls." Sasuke said walking to the door.

"I don't know if I take that as a compliment or an insult?" I said turning my head a little following him.

"Compliment." he said as he closed the door behind me.

He was walking ahead of me, so I took this opportunity to jump on his back onto his shoulders.

He was surprised a little but caught me.

"Onward my trusty DUCK!" I shouted point to the direction of the Forest of Death.

He sigh.

"...Only for you...." Sasuy mumbled walking with me on his shoulders.

I giggled.

Hope you like the chapter,

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~Brenda XD~

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