Chapter 1 |The Uchiha Twins|

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~A/N : Hai this is my first fanfic. And book I ever wrote sooooooo bare with me, I hope you like it. DISCLAIMER: I don't own anything Naruto related, All rights to that is reserved to Masashi Kishimoto!!!. I don't own the photos I use. I don't own the songs I use. The only thing I own are my OC's and the plot I made up XD~


Third POV.

A father and a young boy were waiting anxiously for the arrival of the newborn in the hospital.

The time was 1:30 a.m when they looked at the clock as time went by.

Finally a nurse came out of the room..

"..Uchiha, Fugaku?.." She called out.

They both rush to her.

"Hello, my name is Amaya. I am your wife's nurse. I would like to congratulate you on the birth. It was successful, a healthy baby boy was born. Wou-"

She was interrupted by another nurse rushing in the waiting room.

"SHE'S HAVING ANOTHER BABY?!?!" The other nurse shouted, clearly not keeping her cool like Amaya.

"Excuse me for a moment." Amaya excused herself, rushing out of the waiting room with the nurse.

The two both looked at each other worried at what's going on.


Finally after what felt like hours to them. Amaya came back into the room, exhausted but smiled nonetheless.

"Sorry about that. Would you like to see the two newborn babies." She informed the two.

They both nodded eagerly, following the young nurse.


They all walk in a room, hearing a baby cry. Seeing a woman carrying two babies. A healthy baby boy and a small, weak-looking baby girl.

"Mikoto..." Fugaku breathed out.

The two nurses take the small baby girl to get cleaned.

Mikoto looked at her husband and her son with exhaustion and happiness.

"..Like I said earlier. You have a healthy baby boy and your baby girl seems to be on the weak side. We will be doing some tests if that's okay with you?" Amaya asked Mikoto.

"Of course." Mikoto nodded.

Amaya smiled at the family and excused herself out of the room.


Mikoto's Pov.

I'm so happy!

I have another Boy, And my first Baby girl!!

Oh my baby girl..Please be okay...

Hopefully Fugaku is not furious at me for having a girl.

I don't want her to be taken away from me.

I love her...........

Now that I think about it.

These two might be the Twin's in the Prophecy.

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