Chapter 54*

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Location Unknown...

David Rameeta groaned as he sat up in his brand new make shift cell. He chuckled to himself at the irony of his "rescue."

A young man he didn't recognize sat in front of his cell fiddling with a small wood block that he was whittling down even further with a small bladed carving knife. His dark hair was covered by a hat and his pale skin contrasted with his dark clothing. Rameeta supposed that the ladies might call him handsome but there was an element to the stranger that gave him goosebumps.

"Who the hell are you?" Rameeta asked.

"I need you to take some items to sell at the Red Tent." The young man said not bothering to look up.

Rameeta glared. For years he had done fairly well buying and selling goods in the Supernatural's version of the Black Market. It came with many risks and secrecy was imperative. His former Alpha would have turned him over to the Werewolf Council had he been caught.

"What sort of items?"

"Tori!" he called out. "Bring the box."

"I ain't your damn slave." The angry retort is shouted back from outside the room.

The young man doesn't respond instead he reaches into the pocket of his jacket and pulls out what looks to be a wooden version of a voodoo doll. He turns it over and flicks a finger over the "doll's" bottom.

A screeched is heard and the door opens revealing a young woman holding a kitchen knife. "You Bastard!"

Rameeta was shocked. He recognized the her as the witch he bought potions from.

"So you aren't dead." She says point blank when she saw Rameeta.

"Box." The young man said unperturbed.

Growling Tori left and returned holding a large wooden cigar box. She thrusted it into the man's outstretched hand.

"You're welcome." She sassed before sashaying back out.

Opening the lid, to reveal a large collection of small rectangular charms along with a wood pendant.

"What? You trying to build an army son?"

The young man says nothing holding out the wood item.

"I don't have my way to get to the Red Tent." Rameeta said taking the proffered object.

Silently the young man produces Rameeta's ring that allows him to enter the Red Tent."

"Now that is something that I'd like to know how the hell you got it?" Rameeta asked. It was a long moment before Rameeta concluded that the young man wasn't going to say anything. It was frustrating that he would be so unreadable.

"Do I at least get to know your name? Or who I'm supposed to be selling these too?"

Rameeta held back a shiver as dark eyes met his blue ones. The young man said. "Your buyer will come to you. There's a note in there of what you're selling inside the box."


Tori had had it up to her neck in dealing with this sexy asshole.


The car rolled to a stop and Tori was glad. She wanted out of this hot stuffy trunk desperately. Unfortunately, she still didn't have her magic and couldn't free herself from the cuffs on her wrists.

The man who had kidnapped her popped the trunk and she scrambled out. It was disappointing that the air inside the garage was just as hot and stuffy as the trunk.

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