Chapter 75

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The demons, Vastator and Ruptor, were having fun racing through the forest hunting the vampires who served the Prime Purity but tried to run as soon as the tide of battle turned. Luke had followed them out looking for the vampires that were his quarry. He saw a number of vampires tied to trees with cursed chains but he was only interested in two. When he finally discovered them, they were set by themselves and fortunately for Luke they were near the main road leading out.

Running back to the stables, he stayed in cat form. The sound of a gun being fired did not deter him. The Royal couple, Hadassah and Zana, seemed to be having fun with their assault rifle. He shifted and called up to them.

"LUKE!" Hadassah yelled down to him. "We haven't seen you for a while. Want to come up and watch Zana shoot?"

"It's nice to see you both as well but right now I need to take one of the pickups since the bigger trucks might be needed later."

"Are you leaving?"

"Yeah. Dameon is sending me off to capture a couple of vampires and haul them back to Rogue Lands for questioning."

"Okay, see you at Rogue Lands." she said cheerfully with a wave. "We have more creatures to kill."

Luke shook his head jogging to the black F-350 truck. The sound of more gunfire while Hadassah crazily screamed, "Get em! Get em! get em!!! WOOHOO BABY!!!" in the background.

Driving along the main road, Luke stopped, and backed up to the hissing squirming vampires. Ignoring their threats and curses, Luke threw them unceremoniously into the back before tying down a tarp over the bed. Setting his GPS, he made his way home. His mind wandered back to a certain dark-haired beauty that had captured eye. He hoped he would see her again soon.


The shrieks of the Reapers brought a smile to the former prince's face. Focusing his powers, he commanded them to take out the Protector, her mate, all of the vampires without collars or pins, and non-charmed wolves. Thanks to his Beloved, he could now see through the eyes of the Reapers he controlled.

He snarled when he realized that demons brought from hell with pure divine magic were taking out his Reapers. He commanded half to stay and fight while the other half were to take out the rest. It took some time especially with Hezekiah Mallory destroying the generator powering his portal. Gairam regretted not killing the son of his former incompetent ally the moment he took charge of the Diamondback Coven. Despite the setback he felt that there were enough creatures to accomplish his mission.

Many Royals were already dead. Gairim's eyes narrow when he caught sight of his former friend, Gericho Blood. His hated boiled over and he commanded his creatures to take down the powerful vampire.

The Reapers suddenly swarmed past Jonathan and Tracy in their quest to do their master's bidding. Laughing with glee, he watched through the Reapers eyes as its blade sunk into the former king's chest. Blood poured from the gaping wound and the screams from the fallen man's Beloved was music to his ears.

A gust of wind blew him back into a library. His body hit the shelves on the furthest wall. Several tomes and a marble bust fell to the floor as the case collapsed.

"Well, if it isn't the traitor." Grim grunted as he pushed to his feet. Pulling a curved scimitar blade from its sheath.

Haggai calmly stepped into the room. "So much death. So much destruction. Yet you will always be doomed to fail." He said conjuring an Ikakalaka sword with its unique splayed tip.

Ice formed on the windows and the air turned frigid as the men faced off.

"Your father was a strong and just king. By all accounts, your mother was a beautiful and kind." Haggai said. "How did they end up with a murderer like you?"

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