10 ☠️

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The room felt even more cramped than before, maybe because now everyone actually had to find a place to lay down. Yet again, with only five beds it wasn't easy. I had to say, I got lucky though. Thankfully, with a bit of convincing, they all agreed to let me have a bed to myself. The rest was paired up. Minho and Jisung, Hyunjin and Jeongin, Changbin and Seungmin and Chan and Felix. It most certainly could not be very comfortable for them, which made me feel slightly bad, but I would rather sleep on the floor than together with anyone.

"Jeongin, you'll wake me up after an hour right?" I asked him, as he was the first to have the one hour shift. He nodded with a sweet smile. I couldn't help but glance over at Seungmin, the one I had to wake up. Given his love for sleeping, I probably wasn't going to be appreciated for waking him up. Not that I could be bothered though, everyone had their duty, so he wasn't going to be an exception. "Sweet dreams," Jeongin told everyone, who at this point was laying in bed already. He got a couple of mutters back before the room turned quiet again.

We didn't really talk things through between groups after finishing everything up. Were anything to happen, we all decided to simply follow the group who had studied the map, but that was about all. I guess everyone was already drained from it all, myself included. Of course I tried to prepare myself, but actually going through it all was so different. Well, that, and having to socialize with people you didn't even know. I wasn't normally one to talk to others, especially on my own free will unless I got something out of it, so this was going to be quite hard.

Of course you could say I'm definitely going to get something out of it, which makes this completely a business relationship for me, but seeing how some of them are already so friendly, take Changbin and Jeongin, would make this quite hard. I wasn't at all used to having friends, all I knew was how to please people to get on their good side, but having an actual bond with someone? That was something I never before experienced.

I finally closed my eyes. Sleeping for just an hour was going to make me grumpy, but it didn't hurt to rest my eyes. The hour passed by slowly, thoughts about what could lie ahead being the only way to entertain myself. Not that it was great entertainment, but it was better than having nothing at all. After what felt like ages Jeongin slightly shook my shoulder, whispering my name. "Y/N, wake up." I opened my eyes again, maybe a little too fast when I saw him startled. He probably thought I was actually asleep.

"Do you want me to stay awake with you?" he offered, but I was quick to refuse him with a simple shake of the head. "You should go sleep, I'll be fine." He seemed hesitant for a couple of seconds, but gave in without any protest. "Sweet dreams then." I smiled at him, watching him climb next to Hyunjin, seeing Hyunjin's arm immediately wrap itself around Jeongin's torso. Jeongin's lips curved into a smile as his eyes closed, while he soon fell asleep. My smile disappeared with a sigh. I couldn't helpt but feel envious upon seeing them. It must be nice to have a relationship like that with someone.

Even though the previous hour seemed to go by slowly, this one seemed to be even worse. When you'd think at least half an hour would have passed by now, it was actually just a matter of minutes. They all seemed to be asleep, meaning that a conversation wasn't going to happen. Not that I necessarily wanted to, but anything to pass time seemed nice at this point. Though it was already late, the lights outside of the room were still on, leaving a small ray of light through the cracks. I scanned the room, seeing the map again. Well, it was better than nothing. Plus, I didn't like depending on others too much anyways.

Yet again though, the more I looked at it, the more it felt off. It was only in the littlest details, which made me doubt terribly, but from what I remembered something didn't seem right. I made sure to imprint it in my head though. Were I to get separated, it would be smart to have some kind of a clue. I tried to pay extra attention to the details drawn to have a point of recognition in the endless boring hallways. They all seemed so similar it would be impossible to remember without them.

Like that, time finally passed more quickly. I didn't even notice I had already been up for six more minutes than needed. Oh well, Seungmin better be grateful. I glanced around, trying to find him. He was behind Changbin, laying against the wall. If I wanted to shake his shoulder or anything it would mean I'd have to lean over Changbin to do so, which just seemed a little too complicated. I whispered his name, a couple of times, with no avail though. I groaned in annoyance. I knew this guy liked sleeping, but I wasn't staying up any longer for this.

I put one hand against the wall to steady myself, leaning over Changbin to shake Seungmin's arm. Again, as it didn't fase him the first time. He finally let out a groan, meaning he was waking up. "It's your turn," I muttered, pushing myself back off the wall. He sat up straight, glancing over at the clock as if he didn't believe me. See, he already got ten minutes extra. He didn't say another thing, simply giving me a nod. Finally, I could get some sleep...

Or well, that was the plan.

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