11 ☠️

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"Wake up, wake up!" I heard yelling, over and over again. "There's no time for this, let's go, now!" another voice shouted back. Just while I was still waking up, I got lifted up, thrown over a shoulder. It then hit me how freezing cold it was. Was it just me? I opened my eyes, blinking a couple of times before realizing what was happening. "What the hell is going on?" I questioned. "Oh thank goodness," the voice from the person lifting me said, putting me down, yet instantly pulling me along to run.

Hyunjin was holding onto my wrist tightly, not even giving me the time to adjust to what was going on. Frankly, the more time passed, even just a matter of seconds, I started to notice more and more around me. The air inside the building was cold, way colder than just a couple of hours before. Way colder than it should be on a scorching summer day, though I was pretty sure the outside world was completely different from what we were to meet in this place.

And that, after a couple of seconds of staring at his hand while he was still holding me, that his fingers had turned blue. Purple even, the clearer it all became. I took a deep breath, already feeling the sharp cold air sting inside my lungs. That's when it dawned upon me; they were trying to freeze us using gas. I glanced up, indeed seeing gas come out of the vents. I cursed under my breath, finally putting in more effort to get my legs to move faster, instead of letting Hyunjin do all the work to take me to safety.

"This way!" Chan called out at a T junction, already moving to the right. I tried to remember the map, which indeed showed that the left would be closed off, but I couldn't help but notice the denture in one of the doors. I gasped as I recognized it. It was the storage room in which Changbin and I had found everything. But... we came from the other side... "Guys, wait, that's the wrong way, trust me!" I shouted out, pulling a sprint to go beyond Hyunjin, instead of him holding onto my wrist slightly moving so I could pull his hand with me.

"What are you doing you idiot?" he shouted, Jeongin calling out my name as well. "The map is wrong, I knew something seemed off. Please, you have to trust me!" I urged them, but no one seemed to listen. "I don't trust you, not even for a bit!" Hyunjin shouted back. Even though the stress was mostly driving me insane, together with the fact that breathing was starting to become more difficult, it felt like I was shot in the chest upon receiving that answer. I saved his life before, and he didn't even trust me a little?

I pulled my hand away from his, harshly, running the other way myself. "I have to check, if I'm wrong I know where to go!" I called out, turning my back to them to run in the opposite direction. "You-" Hyunjin called out angrily from behind me, not sure where to go. "I'll get her back, you guys go ahead," he shouted at them, running after me. Chan threw the map at hyunjin, who caught it even while running. "Just be quick," Chan called after him, a clear hint of annoyance in his voice.

I ran as fast as I could, hearing Hyunjin's footsteps closing in already. But, by the time he finally caught up and grabbed my wrist again, I was already where I wanted to be. I quickly glanced over at him, taking the map out of his hands. "See! It says this hallway is supposed to stop right here, but there's no wall. It's a trap, and I knew it," I tried to convince him. Hyunjin's eyes shifted between me, the hallway and the map. "If you're wrong about this I'll kill you myself if this won't," he growled, running ahead again.

"Look, look! There it is!" I shouted out, pointing at the direction of door, before which the icy mist seems to be sucked away. "It has to be the way out." We both looked at each other, nodding, slowing down slightly to change directions back the other way, when Hyunjin fell to the ground, holding onto his right ankle tightly. My eyes widened, seeing it already completely purple, the area affected increasing rapidly. I cursed under my breath, pulling him up, helping him towards the door, where it already seemed to be getting warmer. "Stay here, I'll get the rest," I called out to him, running off before he could protest.

I couldn't help but cough, an insane amount actually, drops of blood falling down to the ground already. The mist must have already gotten to my lungs. I glanced over at my hands and feet. They too were getting darker, but not as badly as Hyunjin's. Good, I should just be able to make it. "Hyunjin, Y/N, where are you?" Jeongin called out, his voice too sounding hoarse already. They must be worsening too. I wanted to call out to them, but my voice wouldn't come out anymore. I glanced around, trying to figure out where they could be, but none of my points of recognition seemed to be there. Shit. F*ck. I was screwed.

I turned around the corner, meeting eyes with Felix just as he seemed to disappear. "Wait, come back," I tried to call out, but it wasn't more than a small whisper. "Guys, she's here!" Felix shouted instead, his voice seemingly better off than any of the others so far. Within an instant they came running back, Chan carrying Seungmin on his back, while Changbin carried Jeongin, who had an awful wound to the head. "Where's Hyunjin?" Chan asked immediately. "He's safe," I whispered, urging them to follow me quickly.

That was, would I still know where to go. Minho took a sprint, running up next to me. "Y/N, if I take you to the point where we split up, can you lead the way from there?" he questioned hastily. I tried to recall, instantly remembering the dent in the door. I nodded at him, first following him, while taking over as soon as I recognized where we were again.

"Hurry, hurry!" Felix shouted frantically. Just behind us, the mist seemed to be getting denser, the railing freezing almost instantly. My breath started hitching, the cold air truly piercing through. Minho's hand found it's way to my back, continuing to push me just to the edge, until we found our way to Hyunjin again. He was standing this time, his skin already seeming back to his natural color. Thank goodness. With a quick, strong pull, he opened the door, leaving it open for everyone to pass through quickly, closing it behind him just before the mist could hit us.

And there we were, left in a cramped, completely dark and quiet room.

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