12 ☠️

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Trigger warning: death

"Please tell me there's a lightswitch somewhere here," Chan muttered under his breath. "Didn't you have matches in your backpack?" Changbin noted. Although Chan hummed in agreement, he didn't sound very keen on using them. "It feels too cramped in here, someone might het hurt if I use it. Besides, who knows what's in here." I started feeling along the walls. There had to be something right? My hand suddenly came across something, something human, it felt like. I let out a scream, instantly pulling back my hands, my breathing heavy.

"Are you okay? What happened?" Jeongin asked, ever so slightly panic in his voice. "I think that was her just meeting my hand while we both were trying to find a switch," Felix stated calmly, in the low voice of his. Oh thank goodness, it was just him... "Y/N? Changbin called out, trying to confirm. "Yeah, that must have been it. Sorry, I just got startled. Everything's fine."


"Dad? Mom? Where are you?" I sniffed. It was completely dark, so the only way to be able to tell where I was, was to feel around, my hand grazing over the wall, until I could feel a familiar feeling of someone's fingers. "Mom? Is that you?" I questioned as I could feel her slender fingers. I held onto the hand, lightly pulling it. "Mom?" I called out again. Not only the hand, but the entire body collapsed, I could tell by the weight pulling me down with her. "Mom?!" I shouted out in panick. "Mom!"

Footsteps approached. Heavy ones, meaning they were my dad's, who wasn't in a good mood. I ran back into my room, hiding under my blanket, grabbing the flashlight to shine it on my hand, trying to figure out why it felt so sticky. Let's just say that was easily discovered as soon as I saw the thick red liquid covering not only my hand, but now my blanket and matrass too.


"There you are," Felix called out eventually, the lights finally switching on. Thank goodness. I couldn't help but look at my hand, just thankful that everything seemed normal. "You okay there, man?" Seungmin questioned. I glanced over at him, seeing that he wasn't talking to me but to Chan, who indeed did look uncomfortable. Maybe even more than me. He took a deep breath, composing himself. "Yeah, I'm fine. No worries."

It was only then that I took the time to take everything around me in. The place wasn't as cramped as we thought, simply being rather vertically long instead or horizontally which you'd normally expect. At the far end of the room, right in the middle, was a stand with a note laying on it. I picked it up, feeling all eyes on me. "What does it say?" Changbin asked me, urging me to read it.

Congratulations team!
You hereby finished your first zone. This means that the game has just started for real, how exciting. Let me explain a bit more to you, as you all probably don't know what to expect.

As if on cue, the speakers turned on. "How exciting indeed. You could have read it a bit more excited indeed than your monotone simple voice, Y/N. Oh well, that aside. There are indeed certain zones in this year's game. I won't tell you how many though, that would be a bit unfair. I can however tell you, that between each zone is a small room like this, giving you some time to prepare yourself for the upcoming. You are given 24 hours in the rooms inbetween. Any longer and the room will be set to flames. After you have gone through all of the zones, you will be given your reward. Any further questions? You can ask three out of goodwill."

Chan raised his hand, already assuming there was a camera. He was right, obviously. One in every corner of the room, plus one in the middle, hanging on the ceiling. Without waiting for a cue he spoke right after. "Is there a time limit within the zones? And how can we be sure we cleared the zone?" Sharp, again. "There are no time limits, take as long as you'd like! As for the second question, if you get through, it's cleared. If not... then you'll see," he chuckled.

"One more question," Chan finished with. "Are we allowed to go back in and out of the safe zones?" The laughter through the intercom faded. "You really are a clever one aren't you?" There was a long pause. It sounded like he wasn't very keen on answering it. "Once everyone has entered the safe zone, the 24 hours start. If either of the doors were to be opened, you would have one minute to get out before it explodes." Meaning you can't go back to your old base either. "I'll be off now. It was a pleasure talking to you again. Be good in there... oh, and give our viewers a big smile, alright? Sir over and out.

My eyes focused on the camera behind me, in the left corner, just above the door. I glanced back at my hand, bringing it up to the camera to give an awkward wave. "Don't even bother," Minho spoke, sitting down on the ground. "How about we rest out for a while? It's not like we got that much sleep." I still had some questions, about Jeongin's wound, about why Seungmin was being carried, but I brushed it off for now. Minho was right, I was tired, and the cold air really had affected my ability to breathe.

We'd get to the bottom of it all later. For now we were safe for 24 long hours.

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